What Planet Did Obi-Wan And Darth Vader’s Rematch Happen?

Obi-Wan and Vader dueling in Obi-Wan Kenobi series

Obi-Wan Kenobi may be over, but the speculation continues. The six-episode series saw everyone’s favorite Jedi, played once again by Ewan McGregor, temporarily leave Tatooine to save a young Leia Organa from the Empire. Headed by Deborah Chow, the series concluded with Obi-Wan having an emotional reunion with his former apprentice Darth Vader, played once again by Hayden Christensen, who he defeated in combat on a rocky planet before returning to watch over Luke Skywalker.

Being a story focused on Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader, the series served as a definitive bridge between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. The episodes also had callbacks and fan service aplenty, with even a few references to other Star Wars material, such as The Clone Wars animated series and the Jedi: Fallen Order video game. But even with so many questions answered and so many connections solidified, there is still one thing the fandom is wondering about; what was that planet Obi-Wan and Darth Vader fought on?


Now just to be perfectly clear, I don’t need the planet to be one we’ve already heard of. In fact, what’s most likely the case is that this is an entirely new planet created specifically for Obi-Wan and Darth Vader to have their duel. So I’m not personally holding my breath that this planet will be confirmed to be any previously established world or moon. With that said, though, the series did have quite a few clear connections to not only the lesser-known parts of canon but also the lesser-known parts of Legends. So I don’t think it would be a stretch to speculate about whether the planet where they had their rematch was also from a previously established story. Though, at the end of the day, this is primarily just searching for any possible hidden meaning behind this location and what it could add to the emotion and symbolism of the fight.

So the planet seems to be your daily standard rock planet, with extremely tall mountain terrain and a visible lack of foliage. Plus, from what we know from Part V, we can guess that the planet is relatively close to Jabiim, a planet from the Legends continuity’s Dark Horse comic series, Star Wars: Republic. Now looking at where Jabiim is located in Legends, it doesn’t seem to be in close proximity to any planets that have also been canonized. Just because Jabiim is canon doesn’t mean the planet’s exact location from Legends has been maintained. So rather than focus on where this planet is located in the ever-changing galaxy of Star Wars, I’m going to focus instead on which possible known planet would have the most emotional relevance to the scene. Seeing as we only have the rocky terrain to go on, I have an idea of what planet this could be. That planet is Vanqor.

Anakin and Obi-Wan standing at an opening of a cave

For those who don’t know, Vanqor is a planet first introduced in an episode of The Clone Wars titled “Dooku Captured.” In said episode, Obi-Wan and Anakin pursue Count Dooku to a mountainous world called Vanqor, located in the same system as Florrum, Hondo Ohnaka’s base of operations. As the Jedi enter a cave, they are sealed inside by Dooku, who uses the Force to bury them with a rock slide. However, Anakin and Obi-Wan are able to get out from beneath the rocks together before fighting off a hungry Gundark and being rescued by Ahsoka Tano and a few clone troopers.

I personally feel that Vanqor would be an appropriate place for the rematch to have taken place since the planet is one of the places where we see Obi-Wan and Anakin’s relationship at its strongest in the series and would serve as a bittersweet juxtaposition with how we see the former friends in Obi-Wan Kenobi. This may also be coincidental, but in Part IV, Tala Durith tries to convince Reva that the Path was located on Florrum, which is in the same system as Vanqor. This could signify that Florrum is somewhat close to Jabiim, hence why Tala thought it would be a convincing diversion from the Path’s true location.

Again, the planet where Obi-Wan and Vader fought is most likely a new location we have never seen before. But as Star Wars fans, it’s hard for us not to analyze every detail of every new piece of media. If the planet does turn out to be Vanqor or another world we’re familiar with, that would be interesting and add just that bit more depth to the duel. But even if it didn’t turn out to be a planet we’ve heard of before, the fight would still be just as impactful and meaningful for the story and characters.



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