Where In The Multiverse Is Rick Jones?
Image source: everyeye.it
Over the past nearly decade and a half, Kevin Feige and his team at Marvel Studios have been introducing us to their versions of the Marvel heroes and villains we all know and love. In that time they have filled the MCU with countless characters from Marvel Comics’ legendary history, but, there are still those that are missed. Most character absences can be attributed to either issues with the rights (Fox and Sony), or because their role in Kevin Feige’s masterplan has yet to be revealed.
However, some characters are so intricately tied to others or have significant importance to events, that one can't help but question why they have yet to be introduced. With that point in mind, I’m forced to ask, where in the multiverse is Rick Jones?
Richard, A.K.A Rick, Jones was first introduced to comic fans in May of 1962 in The Incredible Hulk #1 and was once a mainstay of the Avengers. Yet currently in the MCU his number of appearances stands at zero and his number of mentions at one. If you’re trying to recall that one mention and happen to have blinked at the 2:27 mark of The Incredible Hulk, you missed it. In a montage sequence setting up the beginning of the movie, Rick Jones's name appears on a list of known associates of Bruce Banner for less than one second before cutting to the next shot. For those unfamiliar with Rick Jones association with Bruce Banner, otherwise known as the Hulk, when Rick was a teenager Bruce pushed him out of harm’s way from a gamma explosion after Rick trespassed on a military testing site. The explosion changed both their lives as Bruce was transformed into a giant green monster triggered by rage, and Rick became Bruce’s confidant and sidekick as the only person who knew his true identity. As The Incredible Hulk is not an origin story, it can be overlooked that Rick does not make an appearance. However, given the fact that She-Hulk: Attorney At Law will mark Bruce Banner/The Hulk’s 10th appearance in the MCU and Rick is known to exist within its main universe, his absence is only felt more and more.
Image Source: Saturday Mornings Forever
Being The Hulk’s sidekick was not Rick's only purpose in the Marvel Universe, as he was partly responsible for the first assembling of the Avengers, in the comics. Fearing the Hulk had finally grown out of control, Rick attempted to call in a team of superheroes known as the Fantastic Four to aid in containing the threat. Unfortunately, Rick had no way of knowing the nefarious Asgardian Loki had intercepted the distress signal and relayed it instead to his half-brother and rival Thor. In addition to Loki’s meddling, Rick was also unaware the message was heard by Antman, Wasp, and Iron Man. When all parties showed up to do what they do best and face the danger, the earth’s mightiest heroes were born. I know what you’re thinking, Loki attempting to influence the Hulk ultimately leading to the forming of the Avengers sounds vaguely familiar. And yet here we are ten years and an entire infinity saga later and no still no Rick.
In addition to his time being Bruce’s partner, Rick also spent a great deal of time working side by side with Steve Rodgers, better known as Captain America. Steve personally trained Rick and when in the field together Rick even wore Bucky’s old attire. Steve did however eventually end their partnership out of fear of losing another partner. Another notable Marvel figure Rick is commonly associated with is the original Captain Marvel, Mar-Vell. While the MCU’s Captain Marvel is not Mar-Vell but instead Carol Danvers, Rick’s primary Connection with Mar-Vell was through their shared Kree Nega-Bands. Which (Possible Spoiler Alert) have seemingly been introduced in one of Phase four’s most recent entries, Ms. Marvel.
Image source: Marvel.com
With fans having already seen so much of Bruce’s story without Rick being involved, Sam Wilson set to take over as the new Captain America, and the Nega-Bands set to be focused on (possible spoiler alert) Carol and Kamala, it may be too late for the main universe of the MCU to see its own version of Rick Jones but perhaps we will get him in another now that the door to the multiverse has been blown off its hinges. Rick does after all play a very large role in the Secret Empire storyline which features Captain America as a Hydra sleeper agent who is plotting to take over the world in the name of his madam.
Sources: Wikipedia, Marvel Fando