Why Did Anakin Murder Those Younglings?
Image Source: Wookieepedia
Everyone remembers the scene in Revenge of the Sith when Anakin walks into a dark room filled with younglings hiding to protect themselves from the massacre that is taking place outside. They pop out from hiding when they realize who it is, feeling hopeful that someone is there to rescue them. Then, the lightsaber appears.
It’s not shown, but it is clearly insinuated that Anakin killed the younglings. This is confirmed later in the movie when Obi-Wan informs Padme that Anakin killed them. Both are torn apart with hurt and confusion, trying to make sense of something so terrible. How could Anakin do such a thing? While the easiest answer would be that Anakin was merely following Palpatine’s orders, his character is too complex for it to be that simple.
Anakin has always had a rough go at it when it comes to becoming a Jedi. His midichlorians are off the charts, having more than Yoda, the most powerful Jedi Master. He is brought to the council only to be refused training because of his age, and because Yoda senses great fear within him. Qui-Gon Jinn insists that he be trained because it’s fairly obvious that “little Ani” is the chosen one that is prophesied in Jedi lore. After Qui-Gon is killed by Darth Maul, Obi-Wan Kenobi takes over as his Master. He grows up through the Clone Wars, becoming an amazing pilot and an even better Jedi. He falls in love with Padme Amidala, not caring that love and attachments are forbidden by the Jedi Code. He still tries his hardest to become a Jedi Master and earn a seat on the council.
The Jedi Council told Anakin that they would grant him a seat on the council, but they would not allow him the rank of Master. Angered by their decision, Anakin hoped that his friend and mentor Obi-Wan would speak up on his behalf, but instead found his friend staying silent. When the Jedi Council finally allowed him to be on the council, Obi-Wan would inform Anakin that the only reason he was granted a seat in order for them to spy on Palpatine. This made Anakin leary of the Jedi Council’s true intentions
Meanwhile Anakin was having a nightmare vision of Padme dying in pain, similar to the vision he had of his mother, which ended up being true. Afraid of losing Padme, Anakin turned to Senator Palpatine for guidance. When Palpatine explained to Anakin that there are ways to prevent death from happening, but it cannot be learned from a Jedi, he strongly insinuates that it must be from a Sith.
Image source: CBR
When Anakin tells Mace Windu of his suspicions that Palpatine is the Sith lord that the Jedi have been searching for, it is met with hesitation. Anakin insists that he goes with Mace to arrest him, but is told to stay out of it for his own good because Mace senses great confusion within him. Anakin is torn between following the Jedi path of getting rid of the Sith, and also wanting to save Padme. Ignoring Windu’s orders to stay put, Anakin follows him to see Mace and Palpatine fighting in the senator’s chambers. When Mace is about to deal the final death blow, Anakin stops him by saying that Palpatine must stand trial as killing him is not the Jedi way. When Mace Windu refuses, Anakin slices off his arm, distracting him enough to give Palpatine the opportunity to blast him out of the window, sending him to his seeming death. It is then that Palpatine renames Anakin as Darth Vader, a new Dark Lord of the Sith. After anointing him as the new Sith lord, Palpatine tells Anakin, "Every single Jedi, including your friend Obi-Wan Kenobi, is now an enemy of the Republic," before adding, "Do not hesitate. Show no mercy. Only then will you be strong enough with the dark side to save Padmé."
When Palpatine uttered the words, “execute Order 66,” the clone troopers immediately began executing Jedi without reservation thanks to a behavioral modification biochip implanted in their brain that made it nearly impossible to resist the command and disobey. Anakin, on the other hand, was human, had no chip, and was able to recognize what was happening with Order 66. While he killed the younglings in the end, he had to have had some moment of hesitation. He cared too much about the people he loved and knew right from wrong from a moral standpoint. However, he had been manipulated into doing terrible things. He allowed himself to be controlled by his emotions which clouded his judgment.
Image Source: Cinema Blend
Anakin always tried to do what was best, and keep the people he loved safe. He was always torn between his head and his heart. His heart ultimately won out, as all he cared about was saving Padme. In his eyes, removing any kind of hindrance (including killing younglings) that would block his path from saving the woman he so deeply loved was the only way. Sadly, his love for her sealed his fate.
Source(s): CBR, Screen Rant, Wookieepedia