Why You Should Try Nesting Doll Order The Next Time You Watch 'Star Wars'
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The Star Wars franchise is one of the more unique franchises in pop culture for a variety of reasons. Many fans debate on which order to watch the whole thing from beginning to end. If one watches in release order, then technically they are not seeing the full story in actual chronological order since the prequels came out later from an out-of-universe perspective. Fans have come up with various orders to watch the saga movies, from release order to chronological order to machete order. This article will be detailing the “Nesting Doll” order, which has come about since the release of the sequel trilogy.
So what is the nesting doll order? The nesting doll order focuses on the idea of what it would be like to view the Skywalker Sage through the eyes of a sequel trilogy character. Thus you would watch the movies in this order: Episodes VII, VIII, IV, V, I, II, III, VI, and finally IX. The idea is based on the Russian nesting doll with each movie just another deeper layer within the story.
The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi
Image Source: Elite Daily
Starting off with The Force Awakens as the jumping-on point places the audience members firmly in the eyes of Rey as she enters the Star Wars world. As Rey meets Han Solo and goes on the search for the legendary Luke Skywalker, the audience gets to learn about the deeper world of Star Wars. Then, in The Last Jedi, the audience finally meets the mythic hero of Star Wars and learns about why he is in the place he is in now.
A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back
Image Source: GeekTyrant
After The Last Jedi, the audience jumps back to A New Hope then The Empire Strikes Back where we follow Rey as she continues to learn more about the in-universe history of Star Wars. She has just met Luke Skywalker and now she sees how he got to become the legend of the galaxy, and the Jedi Master she met on Ach-To.
The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones
Image Source: StarWars.com
You only go back to the prequel trilogy after you have finished The Empire Strikes Back. The idea is that once you find out that Vader is Luke’s father it’s important to find out his history via the prequel trilogy as told in The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones.
Revenge of the Sith, Return of the Jedi, The Rise of Skywalker
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The final three movies in the watch order are probably the most fascinating to watch. Revenge of the Sith depicts the fall of Anakin as Vader as well as the rise of the Emperor. This leads perfectly into Return of the Jedi when we see the Emperor’s fall at the hands of Vader. Then, The Rise of Skywalker shows us the return and revenge of the Emperor who Rey must finally face off against after learning all she needs to know about the story of Star Wars up to this point in the timeline. Thus, when Rey eventually defeats the Emperor at the end of The Rise of Skywalker, it makes his end all the more finite
To summarize, the nesting doll order introduces the world of Star Wars through Rey’s eves in Episodes VII and VII. Then, we flashback to Luke’s story with Episodes IV and V. We take a moment to learn about the fall of Anakin in Episodes I, II, III. We see the conclusion of Luke and Vader’s journey in Episode VI, and finally wrap it all up with a final battle against the Emperor in Episode IX.
The nesting doll viewing order is an interesting way to incorporate the sequel trilogy into the mainline saga. The sequels begin and end the saga, and the original and prequel trilogies are the deeper layers within rounding out the Skywalker Saga.