Every Achievement/Trophy You Can Claim In 'Stray'
Image Source: Stray
Stray came out less than a month ago, and this indie game has already taken the gaming scene by storm. Although it takes about five hours to beat the game, there are completionists out there who pride themselves on taking the time to find all the secret nooks and crannies in this open-world game as they guide the orange tabby home.
As noted by IGN, you may have to play through the game more than once to get every trophy. Also, you can go back and replay any chapter to revisit an area or reload the last checkpoint if you missed a particular achievement. The playing field is level for everyone as everyone has the same opportunity to gather all the trophies and achievements.
Just Have To Be There
1. Miss Jump: Fall inside the city.
Easy enough. You just have to complete Chapter 1 of the game.
2. Not Alone: Meet B-12.
You will meet the helpful little robot during Chapter 3.
3. Cat Got Your Tongue?: Have B-12 translate a robot.
You will automatically get this when B-12 helps you talk to the Guardian and Momo during the course of Chapter 4.
4. Catwalk: Reach Midtown.
You get this upon reaching Chapter 10.
5. Al-Cat-Raz: Go to Jail.
You get this upon reaching Chapter 11.
6. Eye Opener: Complete the game and open the city.
You get this after playing through Chapter 12.
Part Of Being A Cat
Image Source: Stray
7. A Little Chatty: Meow 100 times.
This fun achievement comes with being an orange tabby cat lost in an unfamiliar world.
8. Cat-a-Pult: Jump 500 times.
Another easy achievement that you will definitely obtain during the course of your adventure. After all, the game primarily involves jumping everywhere. So channel your catlike agility and show everyone how it’s done.
9. Cat’s best friend: Nuzzle up against 5 robots.
I personally did not know this was even an achievement until I got it. I thought nuzzling was just another part of the immersive cat experience. Simply interact with the robot when you’re closed to its legs. I love seeing the happy heart on the robot’s screen when the cat nuzzles against it.
Side note: While not an achievement, you can also trip a walking robot by running at its legs while walking.
10. Productive Day: Sleep for more than one hour.
Image Source: Stray
Yes, that means one hour in real-time. My friend actually points out this achievement to me. During your busy exploration, there will be certain safe spots (like on the ceiling next to a friendly robot or on the bookshelf) where you can lay down and take a nap. Make sure the game is running (it does not work if you pause the game), put your controller down, and maybe watch a show.
11. Curiosity Killed the Cat: Wear the paper bag in The Slums.
Image Source: Stray
This is another opportunity to immerse yourself in the cat experience. You just need to interact with a paper bag on the ground. The bags can be found in The Slums near Morusque, in the alley near Super Spirit Laundry, or in Momo’s apartment.
12. Boom Chat Kalaka: Dunk the basketball in The Slums.
To the right of the Guardian is a basketball on a ramp at the top of some stairs with a bucket at the bottom. This may take a few tries (and reloading) to knock the basketball into the bucket.
13. Territory: Scratch in every chapter.
Beginning with the prologue (when you are still up in the greenery surrounded by your fellow cat siblings), make sure to scratch at something in every chapter of the game. Keep this achievement in mind as some chapters have multiple places to scratch at or require you to scratch to move the story, while others only have a single place you can scratch.
14. No More Lives: Die 9 times.
Cats have nine lives, after all, right? This achievement seems easy enough. While you cannot really die from falls (the game, fortunately, prevents you from doing that), you can die from getting attacked by the ever-present Zurks.
More Effort Required
15. Can’t Cat-ch Me: Complete the first Zurk Pursuit in the Dead City chapter without getting caught.
This will definitely take a lot of tries (and a little luck) as you evade the Zurks and run through the sequence without getting touched. However, you can reload the checkpoint and try again if you get jumped by one of these critters.
16. Meowlody: Bring all the music sheets to Morusque.
You will have the opportunity to collect all 8 Music Sheets scattered around The Slums as you explore the area in Chapter 4 and into Chapter 6. Remember that once you leave for the Sewers, you will not be able to return to The Slums.
17. Tele a chat: Browse through all the TV channels in The Slum.
Find the television near the entrance to the Library where Doc’s Notebook was kept. You can interact with a remote on the large couch to change the channels. Simply change the channel enough times to get this achievement.
Note: This can only be done while you are in The Slums in either Chapter 4 and Chapter 6.
18. Pacifist: Complete the Sewers without killing any Zurks.
No, you cannot use B-12’s helpful Defluxor light to kill any Zurk. This means a lot of evading and sneaking around.
19. Sneakitty: Go through Midtown without being detected by the Sentinels.
Channel Solid Snake for this achievement. IGN recommends taking everything “nice and slow” in order to determine the Sentinels’ movement patterns. Make sure to use cover as much as possible. Beware, there is a Sentinel patrolling right outside Clementine’s apartment.
20. Scratch: Scratch the vinyl in the Midtown nightclub.
Image Source: Stray
Find the discarded vinyl on a small table by the bar. Carry it back to the DJ platform and drop it. The DJ will let you scratch it.
21. Cat-a-strophe: Try to play mahjong with the robots in Antvillage.
Jump on this (quite literally) right when you reach Antvillage in Chapter 9. Upon entering the village, you will see two robots playing mahjong at a table on the balcony. Simply jump on the table, triggering the third player to enter the game.
Side note: Jumping on a keyboard does not count as an achievement. I’ve tried.
22. I am Speed: Complete the game in less than 2 hours.
As mentioned before, it takes, on average, 5 hours to beat Stray. So any aspiring speedrunner will probably have to wait for their second playthrough to attempt this.
According to IGN, you are only required to talk to a few robots in the game, like the first Guardian, Momo, Seamus, and the Outsiders. So ignore your side quests and collectibles, and skip your dialogues on your run. (Sorry, no skipping cutscenes).
23. I Remember!: Gather all B-12 Memories.
This includes all the optional and hidden memories. Make sure to explore all the secret nooks and crannies scattered in the game!
24. Badges: Collect all badges.
There are 6 badges total in the game. While you are automatically given the Outsider Badge during the course of Chapter 6, the other badges require a little more work.
Outsider Badge (Chapter 6)
Music Badge (Chapter 4 or Chapter 6)
Plant Badge (Chapter 9)
Cat Badge (Chapter 10)
Police Badge (Chapter 10)
Neco Badge (Chapter 10)
25. All Done: Obtain all Trophies.
Image Source: Stray
You did it, you overachieving completionist!