The Origins of Mount Doom Revealed In ‘Rings of Power’
Image Source: The UBJ
Episode six of Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power had a momentous reveal at the end of the episode. In the final scene, we got an origin story for Mount Doom. This will be important not only for the rest of the Second Age, but right up until the Lord of the Rings trilogy and the end of the Third Age.
For those not as steeped in Tolkien’s lore, before this episode we knew that Mount Doom, a straight translation of Amon Amarth, was the volcano at the center of Mordor. It was the place where the One Ring was forged and the only place where the One Ring could be destroyed. In other words, it was the ultimate destination for Frodo in his quest to unmake the ring and end Sauron once and for all.
In the first five episodes, Adar, the dark elf, and his orcs are using forced labor from the nearby villages to dig tunnels throughout the area. Meanwhile, Theo has found the hilt of an evil sword. He tries to keep it a secret, but the orcs are desperate to find that hilt. We have no idea what their endgame is until episode six.
Image Source: Comic Book Movie
In episode six, Theo reveals the hilt to the others. They discover that the hilt is some kind of key. Then, they try to destroy it but cannot. So, before the siege of Ostirith, Arondir hides the hilt. Unfortunately, the orcs find it and use it to cause a flood. The flood travels through the tunnels that the orcs had made until they reach the mountain. As the water flows underneath the mountain, it triggers a massive eruption. Lava and soot and stone spew out of the volcano destroying the lands all around.
Although, it is not called Mordor yet, this eruption explains how Mordor became a wasteland. It’s an interesting addition to the lore. Mordor was not always like that. It was once a beautiful place with fertile land. Now that the volcano has become Mount Doom, though, those days are over. We’ll have to wait and see if Adar was working at the behest of Sauron. I have a feeling that will be answered before the end of the season.
Source(s): Polygon, Mount Doom - Tolkien Gateway