10 Marvel Villains That Have Not Shown Up In The MCU, And Why They Should

Collage of Marvel villains

Every hero is only as good as their villain. Holmes has Moriarty, Bond has Blofeld, and Jared Leto has common decency. In the case of the MCU, however, there are a LOT of bad guys out there still waiting for their chance to emerge from the shadows

Molecule Man

Molecule Man

A charming man, who occasionally has an insane and fractured mind, and who has the power to control the very molecules of life and the multiverse itself. What could possibly go wrong? Through a long and hilariously convoluted process (I love comics), Owen Reece exists in every universe as a “living bomb .” One capable of detonating in the event of his death and wiping out that universe. There’s your threat, eh? With the Fantastic Four on the Horizon and universe-ending Incursions already happening, Molecule Man could easily be slipped into Phase IV as the cause and/or solution to this multiversal madness.




One of literature’s greatest tragic villains has had a punch-up or two with the heroes of Marvel on more than one occasion! With a flair for the theatrical, ready-made dark minions and a genuine mental and physical threat to all life – Dracula is primed and ready to enter the mainstream MCU. With a Blade film confirmed in the future and rumours of Anthony Starr being in the running for the film’s villain – this one might come true sooner than hoped! 



I know, I know – the obvious choice, and one that has been done to death – and arguably perfected by the charming and talented Sir Ian McKellen. However, Magneto has had many iterations and been everything from the Leader of the X-men to a Horseman of the Apocalypse. So, there is absolutely a precedent for changing up the formula. The X-Men: First Class Argentina sequence, with Michael Fassbender kicking butt and taking names, gave us a younger, angrier Magneto. Maybe we see how this one develops, or an older version done with violence and killing? 



Thor has drawn swords…or hammers… with a number of physically powerful foes. Even Loki managed a decent duel against him in the first Avengers. But how would he fare against a psychological opponent who could bewitch him or his allies, turning a friend into foe, and meaning the God of Thunder wouldn’t be able to even trust his own mind? But of course, keep the space goats. 



Mojo is disgusting. Mojo is abhorrent. Mojo needs to be punched in the face with some sort of super gauntlet. An obese, immobile alien slaver who runs gladiatorial-style televised death matches to the galaxy. We need a heart-wrenching Spartacus (or Spartax-icus) style uprising overthrowing this vile creature. A setup like this is perfect as a swansong to our current Guardians of the Galaxy and could help introduce some of the new team.



He… is the literal devil. Plus, from 2021 onwards, Mephisto has been rumoured to be behind almost every MCU event. Time to give the devil his due.



Initially, the single most powerful being in the Marvel Universe…and in a Universe where every criminal who gets himself a red demon cape proclaims themselves the most powerful being in the universe – that is saying something. His first major act in continuity was capturing some of the most powerful heroes and villains, transporting them across the universe to make them fight each other – all for the LOLs. Seeing such a hilariously powerful, and yet while in human form, unassuming being interact with our celluloid heroes is a fascinating prospect. How do you go to a more significant threat than Thanos? How about the Omni-everything? 



Allow me to tell you some of Annihilus’ aliases: Annihilus the Annihilator; First-born son of Oblivion; He Who Annihilates; The Living Death That Walks; Lord of the Negative Zone. Do you need any other rationale? 



I know, I know Sony is doing some version of Kraven. But the MCU deserves their proper version of this character, developed, and linked in seamlessly. Plus, that vest…

Doctor Doom

Doctor Doom

What? Did you really think I would write an article without mentioning my boy Vic? Make it happen, Feige! Every villain mentioned here would make a glorious contribution to the MCU, and Marvel has shown again and again they have the chops to pull off even the weirdest of villains (looking at you, Zebadiah Killgrave). But if you want a real challenge, Marvel, why not try Modok, Fin Fang Foom, or The Egghead? Do it, you cowards.



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