Who Brendan Fraser Could And Should Play In The MCU

Brendan Fraser

Image Source: IGN

I was going to open this article mentioning how we are entering the Bren-aisssance, but really that isn’t fair. Our King never left us.

But, since he is gaining a lot of well-deserved positive attention at the moment, it felt the right time to ask just who could this hero of a man play in the Juggernaut that is the MCU?


7. Rick Jones

Rick Jones

Image Source: Screen Rant

Pretty much the nicest guy in the Marvel Universe. Starting as a bit of a sidekick and friend to The Hulk, Jones has found himself involved with some of the biggest galactic events imaginable. Not content with just being a moral compass and confidant to half the A-Listers in Marvel, Rick himself even gained powers and became “The Whisperer”.
Who wouldn’t want Brendan Fraser as an ally to our troubled heroes when so much change in their lives, and the world they inhabit.
Plus, I want to see Fraser play the Harmonica and guitar on screen.

6. The Chameleon

The Chameleon

Image Source: Cinema Blend

Despite being Spider-Man’s first EVER villain, we are yet to see a true version of the Chameleon on the big screen.
Fraser could bring real gravitas and understated power to this master of disguise, and when revealing his true form could inspire fear, dread, and power. He could have a ball in this role, depending how they wrote the character. Haunting Peter and Spidey so he doesn’t know who to trust – especially after Mysterio! Such fun!

Being the half-brother of Kraven the Hunter as well, means there is an ‘In” on the horizon for this oft maligned family member.


5. The Thing

The Thing

Image Source: CBR.com

The Blue Eyed, Ever-Loving Thing is a powerful character, whose strength is matched only by his heart. It would take a unique actor to play this role with the physicality it needs – but the soul as well. Boom – right up Fraser’s Street.
His work in Doom Patrol shows he is no stranger to VO and ADR work – and The Thing shares a lot of similarities with DC’s Cliff Steele. A good heart for the upcoming Fantastic Four flick.  


4. Curt Connors

The Lizard

Image Source: Comic Book Resources

As with a lot of Marvel foes, Curt Connors is not a “bad” man.
He has done some appalling things as The Lizard, but like many Jekyll and Hyde based villains – he doesn’t want to…. well some of the time at least – there have been a lot of versions over the years.
Fraser could play the conflicted, trapped, almost junkie like nature of this internal relationship really well, and provide the template for a truly intimidating and fear inspiring Lizard – and of course he would look good in a lab coat, even with one arm


3. Beta Ray Bill

Beta Ray Bill

Image Source: Den of Geek

I think we can file this under the definition of “Ach do it, it’ll be funny”
And I maintain this could be some fantastic casting that seems funny at first, but then we see some real heart in the performance.


2. Hammerhead


Image Source: Marvel Fandom

Essentially I want Brendan Fraser to chew the Scenery as a mob enforcer who gets shot and almost died, then comes back more powerful, angrier, and vengeful than ever before.

Playing a mentally unstable sociopath would be a great change of type for Fraser but one in that he could really get his teeth into some good “overacting”
Think Alan Rickman in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves – but with a cybernetic exoskeleton.  Now there’s a film.

1. The Beyonder

The Beyonder with Reed Richards, Doctor Strange and Charles Xavier

Image Source: Comic Vine

In case you couldn’t tell – I love Brendan Fraser.
So, I want him to play one of the most powerful beings in the entire multiverse. There will be no further questions.
Even now The Beyonder is one of the most mysterious characters in the Marvel Universe, and as such, would be a challenging role for any actor. When you consider that despite his unassuming outward appearance – this character can change the very fabric of reality or POTENTIAL reality in a whim.
He could play this with a quiet dignity that belied real, terrifying power – just simmering under the surface.

Really, Brendan Fraser is perfect casting for ANY role, I just wanted an excuse to gush about him for 700 words.



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