'All-Out Avengers' A New Comic Series From Marvel Will Release In September

Avengers Assemble comic art

During Fan Expo Philadelphia earlier this year, Marvel Comics announced the return of the incredibly talented Derek Landy for a new run of comics titled All-Out Avengers. The series is written by Landy, who previously did runs for Iron Man and Captain America, and illustrated by Greg Land. From panel one, the Avengers will be in the middle of the action, according to a Marvel Press release. The series will take readers through several of The Avengers' most action-packed adventures, like an alien attack or missing wormhole technology. 

Landy seems very excited about these comics, and is quoted as saying, "When Tom Brevoort approached me with this concept, I thought it was an inspired idea, a slice of creative genius, and also totally unworkable!" But like any Marvel fan, the opportunity to write about any Avenger was too good of an offer to resist for Land. The trick, Land says, was to find a way not only to work within the confines of the concept but also deliver what readers expect of an Avengers comic. For now, fans of the Superteam will have to wait until September for the first issue. But as a teaser, Marvel released the cover of All-Out Avengers first issue. 

All-Out Avengers cover art

Source(s): Marvel

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