Blood Feud: Mon Calamari vs Quarren
The Outer Rim planet of Mon Cala is the homeworld of two unique aquatic species attempting to share the seas while maintaining a fragile peace: the calm and thoughtful Mon Calamari and the aggressive Quarren. These differences have resulted in numerous conflicts, wars, assassinations, and other turmoil on the water world. In the words of Crown Prince Lee Char, "the Mon Cala and Quarren have always had a complicated relationship but it has always been respectful." While the Mon Calamari monarchy reigns over the planet, the Quarren are allowed to represent themselves on the Mon Calamari Council and are granted the same rights and protections as the Mon Cal while being allowed to practice their own cultures and beliefs within their own city, named simply Quarren City.
The Mon Calamari, preferring to be left alone in their submerged cities, are hugely influential in the Republic as their shipyards and engineers produced some of the finest ships in the galaxy, from the MC80A Star Cruiser to the bruising B-Wing fighter. Many of these ships were key assets in the Rebel Fleet during the Galactic Civil War. Being water-dwelling beings, the Mon Cal had several features that aided in a submerged life, including webbed feet and hands, large protruding eyes that helped pierce the murky depths, and three small suction cups in their palms that aided their grip strength. Their skin and eyes came in a virtually unlimited array of colors and patterns with the more colorful of the Mon Cal hailing from the equatorial tropical zones near the capital city. The colder, polar regions at the poles of the planet produced Mon Cal who were generally less colorful, to the point of being stark white.
Mon Calamari technicians prepare for the Rebel attack on Scarif.
While the term "squid" could be used to describe the Quarren, as their skin, mouth tentacles, and ink sacks are all reminiscent of squid, there are few Quarren who would tolerate being addressed as such. These proud people, like the Mon Cal, were equally suited to life on shore or under the sea. Quarren were well represented across the galaxy as bookkeepers, mercenaries, politicians, and virtually every other walk of life. Many joined the Rebel Alliance as infantry troopers while others chose to subvert the Empire via smuggling and piracy. As a water-dwelling species, the Quarren needed to stay especially hydrated, resulting in the Quarren senator Tundra Dowmeia installing a soaking pool in her Senate office. This also made life beneath the twin suns of Tatooine especially difficult for Jabba the Hutt's bookkeeper, the Quarren known as Tessek.
A Quarren fisherman on Trask.
Even during the relatively peaceful time of the High Republic, the Quarren and Mon Cal were at odds, forcing the Supreme Chancellor to step in and attempt to negotiate a new treaty. This peace held until the Clone Wars when the Mon Calamari king was assassinated and his young son, Lee Char, was to rise to power. The Quarren, fearing the young prince was too inexperienced, refused to recognize Lee Char's rule and demanded a Quarren king. This was due in no small part to the CIS advisor, a Karkarodon named Riff Tamson, stoking the fires of war in the hearts of the Quarren leadership. With the Confedracy of Independent Systems backing Nossor Ri and the Quarren Isolation League and the Republic sending troops to support Lee Char, Captain Ackbar, and the Mon Cal, civil war broke out in the capital city.
Even with aid from the Gungan Grand Army, the Mon Cal were defeated and the Quarren took control of the capital. However, there would be no Quarren king, as Tamson revealed that he was to be put in charge of the planet as Count Dooku's puppet ruler. Realizing that he had been betrayed and inspired by Lee Char's message of unity, Nossor Ri rallied his people and freed the captive Mon Cal. Nossor Ri pledged the Quarren's loyalty to the Prince, and together they were able to route the Separatist droids and kill the traitorous Tamson.
This peace lasted throughout the rule of Lee Char and into the days of the Galactic Civil War. When the Empire rose to power and demanded the use of Mon Calamari shipyards, specifically the unique material Kelpite, the united peoples of Mon Cala fought back, rejected Imperial rule, and defected to the Rebel Alliance, bringing their top notch starships along with them. These would be crucial in overthrowing the Empire as a Mon Calamari MC80 Star Cruise, christened Home One, would serve as Admiral Akbar's flagship during the Battle of Endor. Admiral Raddus, another Mon Cal rebel, was the first to jump to the aid of Rogue One on their mission to Scarif to steal the plans for the Death Star. Raddus would give his life during the battle when Darth Vader's flagship, the Devastator, ambushed his cruiser from hyperspace. However, he was able to buy enough time for Princess Leia, onbaord the Tantive IV, to escape with the stolen plans.
Forged in the fires of the Clone Wars and the struggle against the Empire, the new alliance between the Quarren and Mon Calamari endured into the era of the New Republic and beyond. While many feuds exist in the galaxy, often resulting in bloodshed, the Quarren and Mon Cal were able to set aside their differences in the face of a common enemy, saving their people from Separatist enslavement and Imperial exploitation and annihilation.