The Hidden Details In 'LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga' That Is Blowing The Minds Of Fans

LEGO Star Wars Skywalker Saga Ben Kenobi Luke Skywalker Han Solo Chewbacca C-3PO inside Millenium Falcon

Released on April 5th, 2022 to favorable reviews, fans of LEGO games and Star Wars have been digging into LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga for a few weeks now. As is the case with all previous releases by Traveler’s Tales (TT), there is no shortage of Easter eggs, callbacks, and references just waiting to be found. 

One of the enduring qualities of LEGO games, aside from being humorous but faithful homages to the source material, is the sheer amount of detail that has gone into the games. Nineteen years after the first release, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga has taken these details to the next level, causing a frenzy among fans! 


Without giving too many spoilers away, we wanted to highlight a few of our favorites so far!

Excuse Me, Your Seams Are Showing

LEGO Star Wars Skywalker Saga seam on Mando's helmet

One little detail that has fans going mental is the fact that you can see plastic seams on all the characters. That’s right, just like actual Lego mini-figures. On capes, you can see a visible split where you fit around the neck, and they look like they are made of cloth! For anyone who chooses to play this game as their first LEGO game, they may think these are flaws or bugs, but really, it is just the developers trying to create a more authentic LEGO experience. 

Clear The Dirt Off Your Weapons

LEGO Star Wars Skywalker Saga dirt on Rey's weapon

Another amazing bit of detail that TT has added to the game is the fact that your weapons will get covered in dirt if you run or walk through dirt. How do you get rid of the dirt? Well, how do you get rid of the dirt on normal LEGOs or weapons? You shake it off by swinging them or shooting them. Incidentally, that dirt and dust can also get trapped in the seams mentioned above. 

This is not new to modern gaming, as there are many games that feature those kinds of details. To see them in a LEGO game when countless kids would have experienced playing with LEGOs outside and getting it dirty is a stroke of genius. It just adds a touch of authenticity and realism to the whole affair. 

LEGO Symbol And Color Bleeds, Anyone?

Whereas some games want you to imagine yourself as the main protagonist or antagonist of the film or television show they are based on, there is no such illusion with LEGO. You know you are playing with a bunch of LEGOs, and as the games evolved over the years with the technology available at the time, those minute details are constantly being improved upon. 

For example, what better reminder that you are not controlling Rey, Luke, or any of the other awesome characters but their toy counterparts and likenesses than seeing the company’s iconic logo clearly visible on the inside of their arms? 

In some cutscenes, you can even see paint color bleeds on different parts of the body, almost like factory defects. 

Kenobi Catches His Breath

LEGO Star Wars Skywalker Saga Old Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi catches his breath

A further little nugget of realism TT has added is when you are playing as Ben Kenobi. If you sprint, he will start to breathe heavily and pant for a while afterward. Not only that, when you stop running, he will bend down and put his hands onto his knees and have a tired expression on his face.

Accent Accident

With LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga you have the choice of playing in Mumble Mode like the older LEGO games, or with the voice acting. If you choose to play with the voice acting on, you are treated to a wonderful, if obscure Easter egg with Leia speaking in an English accent at the start of the A New Hope level. Once she escapes the Death Star, she speaks in an American accent again. Very funny. 

This is a nice callback to something that happened behind the scenes while making the original movie. Carrie Fisher, due at least in part to nerves, uttered those lines in an English accent. A further in-universe explanation was found in the book Star Wars: Bloodlines, which suggests she did it to mock Grand Moff Tarkin, played by legendary British actor Peter Cushing. 

Who Shot First?

LEGO Star Wars Skywalker Saga Luke Skywalker interrogates cantina to find who shot first Han or Greedo

Before you answer, you might want to play LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. On Mos Eisley, there is an awesome little side-mission called “Ma Klounkee Most Foul” in which you are tasked by stormtroopers to interrogate eyewitnesses of the infamous shootout between Greedo and Han Solo to figure out who shot first!

This is a nice little reference to the way that controversial scene has been changed almost every time A New Hope has been re-released. “Ma Klounkee” is a reference to the Huttese phrase Greedo utters before Han shoots him in the version of A New Hope that was available on Disney+. 

These fine details, references, and Easter eggs should be seen as a benchmark for other games based on movies, TV shows, and other existing media on how to do it right. Have you played the game yet?  What’s your favorite detail, Easter egg, callback, or reference?

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is now available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Series S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Microsoft Windows. 


Source(s):, Metro, Exputer, Polygon, Reddit [1], [2]

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