Top 10 Superheros That Nobody Wants To Work With

Marvel DC Superheroes

In this list, we will look at the top 10 least favorite Marvel and DC characters which have proven to be the most difficult to work with.

10. Deadpool (Wade Wilson)

Deadpool Wade Wilson

To most fans, Deadpool is a comical character who would seem like a ton of fun to be around. In reality, it would be a nightmare to work with someone who has almost no regard for any rules. While he may be fighting for the same outcome as his comrades, his methods are highly questionable. His approach to missions borders almost on suicide, which puts everyone around him in danger.

9. The Hulk (Bruce Banner)

The Hulk Bruce Banner

The Hulk may seem to most as a fantastic partner in their team, but he has proven to be an incredible (pun intended) pain with all the destruction he causes. His simple and somewhat childlike mentality makes the audience feel as if he is misunderstood. On the other hand, he is definitely a major threat to the general population. This is why you see Bruce Banner constantly working to contain the beast within.


8. Iron Man (Tony Stark)

Iron Man Tony Stark

This may come as a surprise to most. However, we must not forget that early on in his crime-fighting career he went about his missions in a selfish and careless manner. He frequently ignored his superiors as well as the people he fought with, and would rather take matters into his own hands than took the advice of someone who had more experience than him.

While his many talents and skill with technology greatly benefit the Avengers Initiative, his approach frequently leads to many disagreements with his fellow Avengers.

7. Batman (Bruce Wayne)

Batman Bruce Wayne

Batman is one of the most iconic crime fighters within the DC universe. Even though he has no superpowers, his talents lie in being the world’s greatest detective. Despite the benefits of his large array of technology, his frequent secretive and ulterior motives make him an almost untrustworthy hero to work with.

6. Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards)

Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards

Reed Richards is best known for his extreme intellect and also his ability to stretch himself to limits beyond the realm of a normal human. However, his irritability would stress out virtually anyone. His assumed leadership role tends to annoy his team as he constantly bickers with them to prove why he is always right.

5. Red Hood (Jason Todd)

Red Hood Jason Todd

This criminal-turned-hero has an interesting way of going about bringing justice—violence. He also takes a percentage of drug profits and murders anyone who kills or sells drugs to children, causing him to frequently clash with Batman and his code. Todd also does what he feels is necessary even if that means breaking the law.

4. Thor


Thor is a character who has eventually learned to work well with others. However, for much of his life, has is selfish and arrogant, only fighting for his own glory. While he does genuinely feel sympathy and compassion for innocent creatures of the universe, he has to be the one who saves the day regardless of the consequences.

3. Star-Lord (Jason Quill)

While some may disagree with this choice, let’s not forget that he often lets his emotions get the better of him. During the fight with Thanos in Avengers: Infinity, the Avengers almost manage to pull the Infinity Gauntlet from Thanos’s hand and save the universe. However, Star-Lord’s outburst causes the deaths of several billion beings around the universe.

2. Booster Gold (Michael Jon Carter)

Booster Gold Michael Jon Carter

Booster Gold has become one of those characters who is only interested in getting rich and achieving fame. This obsession has made him one of the most annoying characters and arguably one of the most unpopular. His quest to become the next big thing has earned him a reputation of being someone who people would not want to hang around,

1. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)

Green Lantern Hal Jordan

One of the most selfish and thrill-seeking characters, he has proven many times over that he is one annoying character, and a nightmare to work with. His clear selfishness can sometimes get in the way of his saving the universe. While he is regarded as somewhat powerful, I think many DC fans can agree that he would not be missed.



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