Stephen Stanton Celebrates The Anniversary Of 'Star Wars: Rebels' Premiere On Twitter
Image Source: Star Wars Underground
This Monday, October 3rd marks the 8th anniversary of the premiere of Star Wars: Rebels. The four-season-long animated series, created by Dave Filoni and featuring a six-member crew of rag-tag freedom fighters is still near and dear to the hearts of many of the fans who enjoyed it, many of whom are taking note of the show’s upcoming anniversary.
One of those people is voice actor Stephen Stanton, who has recently voiced his positive feelings about the series on Twitter, saying “You don't often get to work with an incredible cast like this! Wonderful memories!” while providing a link to a video about the series. Stanton had multiple roles in the cast, voicing both recurring villain Grand Moff Tarkin, who has been a popular antagonist ever since being a major antagonist in A New Hope (then just called Star Wars), and AP-5, a droid original to the series who joined the crew in the second season of the show.
During part of the show, he also got to guest voice one of Star Wars’ most iconic characters, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Stanton has also voiced Tarkin in two other Star Wars animated series, Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: The Bad Batch and seems intent on continuing to voice the menacing Imperial officer in the future.
Image Source: Star Wars Underworld
It’s clear that Stanton has a passion for Star Wars, having also starred as Obi-Wan and Palpatine in fan films including Pink Five Strikes Back, Return of Pink Five and as Yoda in Sith Apprentice. He also voiced Obi-Wan and Darth Maul in the fan-favourite video games Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005 version), Star Wars: Empire at War (2006) where he also voiced Wedge Antilles, and Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga (2022). Currently, he has also tweeted out a lot of excitement and support for the current Disney Plus Star Wars show Andor, agreeing with the fans and critics who have been praising it, saying he’s enjoyed the first four episodes.
Star Wars: Rebels aired on TV from 2014 to 2018 and is currently available to be seen in its entirety on Disney Plus, along with Dave Filoni’s other animated Star Wars shows. These include Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars: The Bad Batch, and Star Wars: Resistance, and live action shows he’s helped write and direct, including The Mandalorian.
Source(s): Twitter, Wikipedia, Wookieepedia