The Top 10 Star Wars Movie Duels
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Where would 'Star Wars' Be without the iconic lightsaber duel? When these weapons first appeared onscreen in 1977's A New Hope fans were instantly fascinated by the saber and the mysterious Jedi that once proudly wielded the blade. Since that iconic moment on the first Death Star the lightsaber duel has made for many unforgettable moments, take for example when you first saw Darth Maul switch on his second lightsaber blade in theaters for the first time. In that spirit we have found ten of our favorite Duels in all of 'Star Wars' and present them to you here.
Number Ten: Obi-Wan buys time on the Death Star
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The first duel we ever see in 'Star Wars' is slower paced than most of them. When Obi-Wan and his old apprentice meet for the very last time on the Death Star, the duel is less about the lightsaber and more about Obi-Wan stalling for time. As he baits his old apprentice to attack him by reminding him that Obi-Wan will be more powerful than Vader could ever imagine should he strike him down. Kenobi stays on the defensive rarely reaching out for an attack. The duel was set at that pace due to movement limitations with the original suit for Vader, but it established Obi-Wan's patient and guarded fighting style we see all throughout the prequels. And as far as our favorite duels go how could we leave out the one that started it all?
Number Nine: Sith Lords are our specialty.
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In the opening of Revenge of The Sith Obi-Wan and Anakin are seen flying over Coruscant to rescue Chancellor Palpatine from General Grievous. After a few issues with the elevator we see our heroes arrive at the observation deck of the General's flagship The Invisible Hand. Once they enter and start towards Palpatine, the Chancellor informs them that Dooku is present on the ship. Shortly after Dooku arrives for a rematch after handedly defeating the two Jedi in the previous film. On his arrival the three begin quite the fight with a stunning display of acrobatics, after a few minutes Dooku manages to incapacitate Obi-Wan and leaves Anakin to fend for himself. The duel culminates in Anakin Disarming (Well dis-handing really.) Count Dooku before summarily executing him at the behest of the Chancellor. This duel signifies the final hours of Anakin's time as a Jedi and his acceptance of the Dark side and his future master.
Number Eight: Kylo Ren and Rey face off on Starkiller Base.
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Twelve years after Anakin's fall to the dark side finally made it's way to the silver screen we were treated to a new trilogy. This time focusing on Rey, a scavenger from Jakku with innate force abilities. Her antagonist is none other than the son of Han and Leia, Ben Solo, now the Sith Kylo Ren. When our heroes make their escape from Starkiller base Kylo intercepts them demanding Rey stand and fight him, but Finn charges at him with the lightsaber that Rey is reluctant to wield.
It is only after Kylo handily dispatches her friend that Rey jumps into action. Set against they snowy backdrop of the planet that once was a sacred site for the Jedi, now twisted into a superweapon for the First Order. The intensity of the fight is only increased once the planet begins to rip itself apart around Kylo and Rey. At the end of the duel we see Kylo bested by the untrained scavenger, showing us that sometimes training will not prepare you to fight someone who has never had it. Rey's wild swings make Kylo unbalanced and catch him off guard, combine that with the emotional turmoil caused by killing his own father moments earlier it is no surprise Rey walks away the victor.
Number Seven: Yoda seeks to put an end to the Empire.
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During the final hours of the Republic there were only a handful of Jedi remaining, after order 66 Chancellor Palpatine was certain he had eliminated the Jedi and the Republic they had protected for a thousand years. There was only one Jedi that had the potential to stop him in that moment, Master Yoda himself. Marching down to the Chancellor's office after learning the true nature of the Sith Yoda strode into the office with the upmost confidence he could win. Evenly matched at first Palpatine tries to catch the Jedi Master off guard with a number of lighting strikes, failing that the two take to the Senate floor for a different kind of duel. Using the Force against one another the two adversaries throw the seating for the Senate around while dodging the others attacks. Sadly Yoda was unable to prevail and defeat the new Emperor from taking power. After his failure Yoda simply disappears into exile recognizing the the Jedi Order has failed.
Number Six: Yoda teaches his old apprentice a new lesson
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In the climax of Attack of the Clones Yoda comes to save the day after Anakin and Obi-Wan have been captured by Yoda's former apprentice, now a Sith Lord, Count Dooku. After the Jedi and their new army free Obi-Wan and Anakin the two chase Count Dooku to a hangar where his ship is waiting for him to flee the planet. After he dispatches both master and apprentice Yoda walks onto the scene for one last lesson with his old padawan.
This is the first time fans see Yoda in action and the amount of vigor that the near 900 year old can muster is impressive. Seeing him flipping over and around Dooku making swift attacks and from confusing angles only add to the fact that Yoda was one of the most powerful Jedi alive at the end of the Republic. However before Yoda can capture Dooku the newly discovered Sith attempts to kill Obi-Wan and Anakin forcing Yoda to intervene and allow Dooku's escape. Thusly with the Count of Serreno's escape the Clone Wars had begun.
Number Five: Kylo and Rey team up against Snoke's elite guard.
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One of our favorite scenes from this movie is the throne room fight scene where for a second we get a glimpse of what Kylo and Rey could be capable of if allied. The Praetorian Guards are Snoke's elite and they had to have been quite upset to see their leader die without the assassin lifting a finger. As the guards spring into action Kylo and Rey do the same. The cinematography of this fight is stunning, from the start of the fight elegantly framing the two of them together at last all the way down to the red curtains burning and revealing the massive windows of the room.
It is quite a backdrop for the fight, which in and of itself is quite ambitious. the spins and twirls of our pair of heroes is quite impressive as they cut their way through the Praetorian Guards. Sadly the fight that made us think Kylo might seek redemption merely allows him to continue down his dark path. While Rey commits herself to the light and to bringing balance to the force by saving Kylo Ren.
Number Four: Luke learns a dark truth
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The pinnacle of the Original Trilogy is the second installment, and due in no small part to Luke and Vader's duel on Cloud City. This fight keeps with the themes of the very first duel we ever see. The pacing is slow and the fight itself seems to be less about martial skill and more about mental fortitude. As Vader and Luke clash throughout the Tibanna gas refinery both with sabers and the Force we are subjected to some of the most iconic moments in 'Star Wars' all leading up to the big reveal.
Luke's father wasn't killed by Darth Vader, he is Vader. This changes everything for our young Jedi. He knows that he can't bring himself to kill the man he never got to know, and more importantly he feels the conflict in his fathers mind. This duel sets up Vader's redemption in the following movie and imbues Luke with the knowledge that even the strongest of Jedi can succumb to the Dark, but perhaps it also means the Strongest of Sith can return to the light.
Number Three: Luke follows in Obi-Wan's footsteps on Crait
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One of the most iconic fights in the Sequel's takes place during The Last Jedi, When Luke finally stops being a curmudgeon and decides to show the Galaxy what a Jedi can be capable of. We see Luke materialize on Crait and give his parting words to Rey and Leia in a tearful moment for fans knowing that this is the last time that the twins born in secret would see each other. As Luke walks out of the base and Kylo sees him approach the First Order opens fire with everything they have to kill Luke right then and there, using the force of over a half dozen walkers to do so. However barrage after barrage Luke still stands amidst the salt fields.
Kylo finally decides to take matters into his own hands during the exchange. Luke much like Obi-Wan doesn't do much fighting as he bobs and weaves around Kylo's angry strikes. Finally he shuts his lightsaber down and offers a similar warning to his former apprentice, if he strikes him down he will be with Kylo forever. When Kylo tries and fails to end Luke it is then he realizes the Jedi has been using the force to project himself across the galaxy. Luke finally becomes one with the force much like his first master. With this fight Luke proves a Jedi doesn't need a weapon, that maybe the Jedi could live up to their ideals.
Number Two: Battle of the Heroes
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One of the most climatic duels in the Skywalker Saga takes place at the end of Revenge of the Sith, Anakin has made his way to Mustafar to dispose of the Separatist Council and bring an end to the Clone Wars. After his slaughter Padme arrives and pleads with Anakin to reconsider his actions. But by this time Anakin has given in fully to his hate and anger. Obi-Wan walks down the landing ramp of Padme's ship and Anakin thinks that Obi-Wan has turned Padme against him.
When confronted by his master Anakin espouses that he has brought peace, justice, and security to his new empire. In that moment Obi-Wan realizes that his pupil is no more and that the Sith Lord before him is too dangerous to be left alive. Throughout their entire fight Obi-Wan pleads with Anakin to come back to the light, but Anakin has gone too far. The two clash over rivers of lava leading to a river bank where Anakin finally sees a chance to finish his old master and complete his fall to the dark side.
Obi-Wan warns him not to try it as he is still unsure if he has it in him to kill his best friend. When push comes to shove however Obi-Wan makes one decisive move and cuts Anakin down. Removing all but his prosthetic limb. Leaving Anakin for dead on the river bank Obi-Wan expresses his sorrow at how things have turned out and leaves his closest friend on the bank to die a painful death. Maybe if Obi-Wan had shown Anakin mercy and finished him off things would've went differently, but Obi-Wan knew he couldn't bring himself to do so. Even going as far to beg Yoda to let him deal with the Emperor instead of his former apprentice.
Number One: Duel of the Fates
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Out of all the duels we put on this list there is little to no contest for which is our favorite. The Duel of the Fates takes place on Naboo as the locals are trying to oust the unlawful occupation of the Trade Federation. When our heroes arrive in the royal hangar they are seen trying to access the palace by way of the plasma refinery adjacent to the hangar. When they open the doors to proceed there is a hooded figure standing and waiting for the Jedi and the Queen of Naboo. This is the first time we see a double-bladed lightsaber onscreen, and if you were a child in 1999 when the film released we don't need to tell you what it was like seeing it for the first time.
After chasing the Sith assassin through the refinery Obi-Wan and his master, Qui-Gon Jinn, are lured into a small room with a circular shaft in the center of it. It is here that Obi-Wan is forced to watch as the assassin puts an end to his master. Obi-Wan immediately springs to action as soon as the force field that was keeping him out of the fight drops. However at first he is no match for Maul, who easily tosses Obi-Wan into the shaft.
But using his masters training the soon to be Jedi Knight calls upon his masters saber and pulls himself out of the hole he was in. Catching Maul off guard and cleaving him cleanly in half. The duel over Obi-Wan rushes to his dying master promising him to train Anakin against the will of the Jedi Council. Most fans theorize the score that supports the fight is titled 'Duel of the Fates' because Anakin's fate was sealed the moment Qui-Gon died, if that is the case that means that this fight was the most important of the Saga.
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