At First Watch ‘House Of The Dragon’ Is An Overdue Return To Westoros
Image Source: TV Insider
Tonight at 9 PM Eastern Standard Time, HBO Premiered the first episode of the Game Of Thrones prequel series House Of The Dragon. Fans of Game Of Thrones have been anticipating its release for over a year. For fans, The premiere episode was a return to form for the newly minted franchise. During the opening moments of the premiere, the screen fades in from black to a voiceover delivering a brief history of House Targaryen and king Jhearys. Underneath the narration, we see a meeting at Harrenhall to select the next King: King Viserys. After the intro, we see flying over Kings Landing, the one thing fans have anticipated: more dragons.
The first episode of House Of The Dragon Is a return to everything fans loved from Game Of Thrones. From the excellent cinematography to the visceral scenes during the tournament. Throughout the entire series, we see that Miguel Sapochnik and Ryan Condal understand what made Game Of Thrones so compelling. Even the scenes focusing on the politics of the series seem to be reminiscent of the first season of Game Of Thrones.
Image Source: The New Yorker
But the incredible thing about the pilot episode is its ability to never refer to the original series. They make mention of Daenerys once during the introduction, which is the only real direct mention. House Of The Dragon is subtle with its references instead, weaving them into moments that are more impactful than that reference.
Alongside this is a genuinely interesting plot. From the onset of the first episode, the question of what can cause the downfall of House Targaryen looms over each silver-haired character in their own way. From King Viserys to the apparent villain, his brother Daemon, all these characters have a unique curse of their own design. House Of The Dragon is a series I will be following for the rest of the season. After all, there are dragons!
Source(s): House of the Dragon