Spoiler-Free Review Of HBO's 'House Of The Dragon' Episode 2
Image Source: IMDb
Episode 2 of House of the Dragon finally gave us the title sequence!
Last Sunday’s premiere surprised fans with the lack of a title sequence. However, the creators of the show quickly announced that the title sequence would be appearing at the beginning of tonight’s episode. The sequence heavily referenced the book that the show is based on, Fire & Blood, and to fans’ surprise, it featured the original Game of Thrones theme.
In the premiere, we were introduced to the main players of House Targaryen, and we were given our first glimpse of what the series had in store. We learned of the rivalry between King Viserys and his brother, Daemon, Queen Aemma’s struggle to produce an heir, and the players who made up the king’s small council. By the end of the first episode, fans saw their first loss of a major player, and in the second episode, we saw the repercussions of that loss. While the premiere focused on getting fans hooked, the second episode focused on getting fans caught up with the inner workings of House Targaryen and why naming Princess Rhaenyra as heir to the Iron Throne was so controversial.
Episode 2 jumps forward six months and sees Rhaenyra doing everything she can to prove that not only does she deserve the title but that she is also fully capable of doing the job. Although her father named her his heir and the men bent the knee and recognized her as such, they do everything they can in this episode to undermine her position and her opinions. The episode also introduces the struggle King Viserys faces as he is pressured to choose a new wife. When a member of his small council suggested that king marry his 12-year-old daughter, the king ultimately chooses a different wife to the detriment of his relationship with the princess. We also see the beginning repercussions that will come from this decision.
While absent for much of the episode, Matt Smith demands viewers’ attention when he is on screen and seems to set up his place as a mainstay for the rest of the season and possibly the series as a whole. Daemon has taken control of a House Targaryen homestead and stolen from the king, revealing himself to not only be more clever than he seemed in episode one, but also demonstrate the level of power he holds as the brother of the king.
Image Source: IMDb
Episode 2 also introduces fans to a character that could act as the main villain for the majority of season one, the Crab Feeder. Very little has been revealed about this person’s identity, but they certainly have the makings of being a gruesome and powerful Game of Thrones-esque villain.
This episode certainly reminds fans that it is part of the Game of the Thrones world with its backstabbing, seedy conversations, and secret arrangements. Princess Rhaenyra experiences her first and second betrayals of the show, and I look forward to seeing how they will affect her character arc, especially after the eventual 10-year time jump.
House of the Dragon holds its own within the Game of Thrones world thus far, and if George R. R. Martin does get to develop an entire universe around this world, it will hold a place at the top. I am a huge fan of this show already, and I cannot wait to see what the rest of this season and Season 2 have in store!
All-new episodes of House of The Dragon will air Sundays at 9 p.m. ET on HBO and will stream the same day on HBO Max.