Could 'Star Wars: Andor' Be Trolling Fans with Kleya?
Image Source: Dextro
Every new character and event in a Star Wars televisual or cinematic event spawns an almost infinite amount of fan theories about what they could possibly mean. A cursory search online bombards the casual observer with everything from Darth Jar Jar to Jyn Erso being Rey’s real mother. Or from BB-8 being Force-sensitive to Kylo Ren being Darth Vader.
I mean…at least Darth Jar Jar was funny, I suppose.
The latest in these fan-based follies is surrounding a character in Star Wars: Andor named Kleya Marki. Specifically, that she is actually a younger Leia Organa. No, really!
So, let’s humor that for a moment. They are both strong, determined females in the Star Wars universe who are dedicated, driven, and loyal to the (currently) fledgling Rebellion.
What else…they both have dark hair? “Kleya” sounds a bit like “Leia”?
…yeah, that’s all I’ve got.
Despite the obvious fact that these are two entirely different characters with different backstories and different accents (Core Worlds vs Outer Rim)– the simple fact is that, canonically, the timelines just don’t match. Leia was born in 19 BBY and so would only be 14 or 15 at the time of Kleya’s on screen clandestine activity. She’s good…but she’s clearly not in her early teens.
Image: Star Wars Holonet
However, there is something admirable to be said for the ever-vigilant Star Wars fans out there, always seeing connections in the Force and hungry for Easter eggs. With a show as beautifully planned and expertly crafted as Andor, they certainly won’t be going hungry. Maybe Disney knows this, and is just out there baiting hooks?
For now, though, let’s just enjoy that the Star Wars universe has another strong, independent female character that certainly takes no prisoners. She may play the role of Luthan Rael’s assistant in his Coruscant Gallery, but beneath that placid friendly demeanour beats the heart of a Rebel.
(But Kino Loy becoming Snoke is definitely canon. I will take no further questions at this time.)