Going To Dragon Con In 2022 Was A Breath Of Fresh Air, From Inside A Convention Hall
Image Source: Dragon Con
Dragon Con 2022 was the first time I had attended a convention since 2012. After a ten-year hiatus, it was the perfect outing to find my way back to what makes this sort of convention so enjoyable for fans. And there were a lot of fans this year, 65,000 to be exact, which is only 75% of their 2019 attendance numbers. While there was plenty to do around the seven hotels hosting the convention, the most memorable part of my weekend in Atlanta wasn’t a panel or an interview. It was discovering a whole community doing what they love and spreading kindness.
Dragon Con traces its roots back to 1987 in Atlanta, Georgia. Formed around a group called the Dragon Alliance of Gamers and Role-Players, it was originally a small affair taking place in the Piedmont hotel. The first year it drew some 1400 fans; even Gary Gygax was there to make an appearance. But it wasn't until around 2007 that attendance numbers started to explode. Now Dragon Con is the largest independent convention in the United States. And Dragon Con is still deeply attached to its roots. This year they featured over 3 and a half acres of space dedicated to tabletop gaming.
However, the convention now includes a full panel schedule divided up among many different interests. They also have three floors of exhibitors for you to find anything you could ever want. Dragon Con turns the Peachtree Center area of downtown Atlanta into its own city for five days a year. And just like any city, there is a rich tapestry of both history and culture throughout the convention. There was no shame in being a nerd throughout the convention halls, actually quite the opposite, there was a muscle nerd competition I came across that takes place every year. It feels like anyone can enjoy Dragon Con, but it is definitely for the nerds.
The winner of the 2022 Muscle Nerds Competition
During my three days in Atlanta, the one big takeaway was just how crowded Dragon Con was. As far as the eye could see, there were stunning cosplays, exceptional musicians, and talented artists. In a way browsing the massive exhibitor's hall felt like a bazaar. Every hall seemed to be packed wall to wall with paintings, tapestries, and all sorts of amazing goodies for nerds of any stripe. The walk of fame, where fans can meet all kinds of celebrities, drew a frequent line outside the room. Despite the massive crowds' Dragon Con was an excellent display of just how beautiful it is to be a part of a community like the attendees. And even though there were 65,000 people at Dragon Con this year, I feel like in a way I know them all like family.
The Dragon Con Cults have been a long-standing practice of this. From sticking googly eyes to any statue they can find, to dressing up as test events the IT department used to make sure their app was functioning. Another excellent example of the upstanding attendees of Dragon con would be the sheer number of "Cosplay Medics" all around the convention. Most of the ones I spoke to didn't even charge cosplayers for their help.
The 501st Legion of Georgia also made an appearance at the parade and raised funds for Dragon Con's chosen charity partner for 2022 Open Hand Atlanta, a meals-on-wheels type service operating in the city. The way they raised money for charity was by having a cosplayer dress as a Jawa and playing chess for tips. I found out while talking with the parents of the Jawa that he is a high ELO chess player who even went so far as to participate over Discord in 2020 during the height of the pandemic.
Timothy Zahn and I post interview on my second day in Atlanta
The panels during Dragon Con were, at times, just as moving as these other events. Seeing fans ask actors and entertainers about their favorite roles shows not only how much the fans love a piece of media. But, how the actors love it too. One moment that sticks out in my mind is from a Red Dead Redemption II panel in which I was fortunate enough to ask a question. A young man came up to the microphone and mentioned that he had lost his father as they were repairing their relationship. He asked The VAs for Jon Marston and Arthur Morgan what the characters would say to someone as fatherly advice. There wasn't a dry eye in that room after they had finished.
Although it wasn't all introspective moments, during that same panel Benjamin Byron Davis, the voice of Dutch, refused to comment on a question about Jon's son and his parentage. During an interview I had with Nolan North, he did several spot-on impressions that had me and other interviewers in the room laughing. I met several comedians and artists who were happy to crack a joke or have a discussion about their passions, adding to the sense of a sort of family reunion.
Dragon Con 2022 was simply put, an amazing experience. If you have never been I recommend going. Seeing the way this unique community has built itself up over almost 40 years of gatherings from an outside perspective is something I won't soon forget. It truly felt like being a stranger in a strange land, but the community is one of love and kindness in a way that can, at times, feel rare to see these days. I know I will be returning next year if they'll have me!