Is The Armorer A Hero, Villain, Or Somewhere In Between
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Last week’s episode of The Mandalorian showed Din Djarin back with his clan. He joined Bo-Katan Kryze on a rescue mission to retrieve a foundling, Ragnar Vizsla, from the Shriek-hawk. Grogu stayed behind with the Armorer as he was too young to go on the dangerous mission. We have now seen the Armorer many times in the series, and it is clear that she is the leader of this particular group. However, not much is known about this mysterious character, leading to theories as to who she actually may be.
The Armorer was originally from the planet of Mandalore, the Mandalorian homeworld. She is a member of the Children of the Watch, a sect of the Mandalorians who followed the Way of the Mandalore. They were considered religious zealots that broke away from the Mandalorian society. The Armorer and other followers were on a nearby moon of Concordia when the Empire laid waste to Mandalore during the Great Purge. They then spread throughout the galaxy and hid in coverts to protect their numbers. During the New Republic Era, the Armorer and her clan made their way to Nevarro.
The Armorer plays an essential role in Mandalorian culture. She keeps their traditions alive by enforcing the Way of the Mandalore and forging their armor. She has forged Din’s beskar armor and even make armor for Grogu. Most recently, she forges a new pauldron for Bo-Katan. While we do not know what her true motives are, she appears to want to help Din.
One of the theories points to the Armorer as The Clone Wars villain, Rook Kast, who was second-in-command to Gar Saxon. Rook Kast was originally part of the Death Watch, just like Bo-Katan was. Unlike Bo-Katan, she stayed and served Maul when the former Sith took over the group. She was part of the group that freed Maul from Empire’s custody and went on to lead commandos of his Shadow Collective in some truly horrific acts.
Image Source: Wookieepedia
The second part of the Rook Kast theory is that she is currently repenting for her sins. Rook Kast failed Mandalore and her people, and thus decided to bring back the old ways in order to atone for her sins. It would explain why she is so strict when it comes to the Mandalorian creed, and casting out those who do not follow it.
One piece of evidence supporting this theory is the Armorer’s pointed helmet, which was associated with Gar Saxon, and those who allied with Maul. This could just be coincidental, or it could be actual proof that the Armorer is actually Rook Kast. Now that Bo-Katan is part of the Children of the Watch, she could eventually expose the Armorer for who she truly is.
The Armorer is currently the leader of the Tribe, which some may consider a cult because of their strict adherence to the Creed. She can be seen as manipulative, as she has the ultimate power in the Tribe to decide who is actually a Mandalorian and who is not. Is it fair that she casts out Din Djarin from the only family he knows for removing his helmet even though his reasons were not unrighteous? She also blames Bo-Katan Kryze for the downfall of Mandalore, even though it is not entirely true. At the end of the day, however, she wants Mandalore restored as much as anyone.
Image Source: Digital Spy
As the show goes on, will the Armorer play a bigger part as Grogu grows, and hopefully, become a full-fledged Mandalorian? As he will require more armor, the Armorer herself will never be out of a job. It all depends on who she decides to help in the future.
Could she actually be Rook Kast atoning for her past transgressions? Will Bo-Katan ever expose her true identity? Hopefully, we get to see more of the Armorer, and maybe even explore who she is, before the current season ends.
Sources(s): CBR, Wookieepedia