A Guide To The New Characters In ‘The Rings Of Power’
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The Rings of Power concluded its first season. After 8 episodes, we have gotten to know familiar characters like Galadriel, Elrond, Isildur, and Elendil better. Some characters were created for the series, like Halbrand, Arondir, Bronwyn, and even Isildur’s sister, Eärien. These characters did not exist in Tolkien canon, and going into the show, we did not know much about them. With the first season concluded, we finally learned more about these created characters.
**Spoilers for The Rings of Power**
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Galadriel first meets this mysterious man on a raft. She jumped off the ship heading to Valinor and came across a raft in the water. She joined them until it was destroyed, and only Halbrand survived. He claimed he was the king of the Southlands and was trying to get home. They head to Númenor, where they are able to get their support, and head to the Southlands. Later, Halbrand is hurt and brought to the elves. Here he starts investigating the forge and Celebrimbor. After much speculation, Halbrand is finally revealed to be Sauron.
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He is an elf who is strong, capable, and wise. He was a scout in the Southlands but was told to leave as there was no threat. However, he is in love with a local woman named Bronwyn. He plays a key part in later episodes when the locals must stand their ground and fight against Adar’s army of orcs.
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She is a healer in her town. Centuries ago, her village had taken Morgoth’s side in the war that happened during the First Age. This is why the village was kept under watch by elven soldiers. She is the one that leads the town into fighting against Adar and his army of orcs. She gets seriously injured but is saved by Arondir.
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A woman of Númenor. She is the daughter of Elendil and sister to Isildur. She was finally accepted to the Builder’s Guild after being rejected a few times. Little is known about her, as she did not have a huge part in the first season. However, there are theories that she will play a more significant role later, especially in the fall of Númenor.
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Not much is known about his background besides that he is Bronwyn’s son. He finds a broken blade that may have been Sauron’s at one point. When he uses it, it leaves a mark on his arm. When his mother is hurt, he tries to hide the blade and thinks he is successful. However, someone was able to come in and take it and create Mordor.
Nori Brandyfoot
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Nori is one of the Harfoots. Harfoots are the ancestors of Hobbits. Nori is the one who first sees the man who fell from the sky. She convinces her friend Poppy to come with her to check it out. They end up hiding the man, but Nori is able to keep this secret until he reveals himself to the Harfoots. After he leaves, they go after him. They end up distracting the people in white, and Nori convinces him to utilize his full power. At the end of the final episode, Nori packs up and heads out on an adventure with him.
Poppy Proudfellow
Image Source: First Curiosity
She is a friend of Nori. It seems Poppy is on her own in the traveling company of the Harfoots. She seems content to stay with her community and live a happy life, but a feeling of curiosity lingers. Poppy is right behind Nori on whatever she decides to do. Except at the end, when Nori goes off alone with the Stranger. They have an emotional farewell.
The Stranger
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The man who fell to Middle Earth. Several ongoing theories exist about this extremely powerful man. Some think he’s part of the Maiar. Others believe he could be Gandalf. He was even a contender for Sauron, but this was proven false during the finale. We don’t see much of his powers until the final few episodes. He can utilize his full abilities and potential during the finale when he saves the Harfoots. Nori decides to go off on an adventure with him, and he utters the line, “always follow your nose.”
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Tolkien’s works speak of a Dwarven Queen with the same name, but that character doesn’t exist until the Third Age. So, Disa may be an ancestor, which would make her an original character. She is the wife of Durin. She is extremely kind, hospitable, and stubborn. She supports her husband on issues but isn’t afraid to speak her mind.
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We first see this mysterious character as part of the orcs. Adar was one of the first elves captured and tortured by Morgoth. He is powerful enough to command an orc army, and he successfully destroys settlements within the Southlands. He is eventually captured by Galadriel for questioning. He claims he killed Sauron for his cruelty towards the orcs. She is about to kill him when she is distracted by Halbrand. Later, Mordor was created, and Adar was standing in the smoke of Mount Doom. He is now considered the king of the Southlands.
While these characters may not exist in Tolkien’s canon, they are still crucial to the story of The Rings Of Power. Some of these characters’ stories will play a more prominent role in later seasons but were still important to be introduced during the first season.
Source(s): Screen Rant, CBR