Ancient Technology That We Still Use Today
Image Source: Daily Energy Insider
There’s rarely a moment when technology isn’t advancing, but this perpetual growth isn’t exclusive to the modern age. In fact, ancient civilizations laid the groundwork for most of our current devices.
We can thank our great-great-great-great grandfathers and beyond for so many of the incredible gadgets we have. From industrial machines that power our cities to everyday devices, here are some examples of ancient technology that we still use today.
Steam and gas turbines work behind the scenes to provide power to homes, businesses, and cities all over the country. However, you shouldn’t mistake these machines for 21st-century inventions. The truth is that the history of turbine engines goes back to ancient Egypt.
The 1st-century Roman-Egyptian inventor, Hero of Alexandria, drew up blueprints for a turbine-like device. Also known as an aeolipile, this mechanism could spin a sphere by aiming cylinders of steam. This concept was streamlined over time, and Charles Parsons perfected the technology in the 19th century.
Another piece of ancient technology that we still use today is odometers. This might be surprising, since cars seem like a relatively modern invention, but Roman inventor Vitruvius constructed the first mechanical odometers in the 15th century!
Of course, ancient Romans didn’t have gas-powered vehicles. Still, Vitruvius used a wheelbarrow and pebble system to measure the distance he traveled over time. This idea paved the way for current odometers that do the same thing on a much larger (and faster) scale.
Alarm Clocks
Nearly everyone uses an alarm clock, whether it’s on your phone or on your nightstand. But did you know that the famous philosopher Plato actually designed an ancient version of these helpful devices?
In his design, Plato used water, sticks, a vessel, and a bell to wake himself up on time for lectures. Various accounts report the water alarm clock working in different ways, but one thing’s for certain: every time your alarm clock jolts you out of an awesome dream, you can thank Plato.
Batteries might be the most important ancient invention on this list. In 1936, archeologists made a massive discovery in uncovering the Baghdad Battery. This artifact can be traced back as early as 150 BCE.
The Baghdad Battery consists of a terracotta vessel, a copper cylinder, and iron rods. While many theories suggest different ways this device could operate, it’s clear that the idea of battery-powered devices goes way beyond the industrial revolution.
This list only scratches the surface of human innovation. If technology this incredible can exist for hundreds of years, there’s no telling how far our devices can go.