Gangsters And Criminals In 'Star Wars' From 'Return Of The Jedi' To Now
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Viewing the Star Wars films from a certain point of view, an argument can be made stating criminals people that far-away galaxy. The Galactic Empire considered The Alliance criminals, as did The First Order, view The Resistance as an illegitimate government. Indeed, the sentiment was reciprocated. Overlooked amidst the war, however, are the organizations that pledge allegiance only to the success of their undertakings. Staying neutral is one of their advantages. Neither The Galactic Empire nor The Alliance trusted them. Both warring factions, though, were confident enough that these organizations would stay true to the agreed-upon bargain only because the rewards would further advance their syndicate’s goals. For the most part, being allowed to operate unconstrained is the best reward. It was always thus and continued well into the New Republic era.
In the days of The Galactic Empire, the Five Criminal Syndicates were the dominant forces of the underground economy. Almost every smuggling deal would have The Hutt Cartel associated with the activity anywhere in the galaxy, specifically The Outer Rim. Developing spice and weapons trafficking built Black Sun. Piracy and smuggling helped solidify their position as the foremost criminal organization that any illegal undertaking would almost always involve Black Sun. The organization’s influence peaked during the Galactic Civil War to the point that only Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader wielded more power than their leader, Prince Xizor (Legends). But, just like time, events are constantly in flux.
The defeat of the Empire coincided with the decline of these criminal empires’ power. Note that these organizations are still active in the Star Wars universe; they’re just not relevant to the ongoing stories from Return Of The Jedi onwards.
A Hutt-Sized Void
With at least 2 individuals and 1 group benefitting from the vile gangster Jabba’s death, it’s appropriate for this primer on crime legacies to begin at Jabba Desilijic Tiure’s end.
Nar Kanji is the homeworld of the criminal organization with one of the coolest-sounding names. Once subjugated, the planet was made a Hutt colony, and its human colonists became slaves of the Hutts. Upon Jabba’s death, they turned from enslaved people to renegades and formed Kanjiklub; whenever Kanjis are talked about, their rivals, the Guavian Death Gang, will, at some point, be mentioned as well.
Switching sides now, a Legends character rose to prominence at this time in another timeline. Talon Karrde was an already established smuggler during Jabba’s reign and, upon the Hutt’s demise, saw an opportunity to take over the spot that was there to take, which he did. How his organization took pole position is also noteworthy. Where other organizations coerced and resorted to bloodshed, Talon Karrde’s group avoided these tactics. Mirroring strategies employed by crime organizations of old, he took cargo-moving jobs for both the Empire and the New Republic. His stance, though, would shift, and his leanings tilt more in favor of the New Republic.
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During the lead-up to the Thrawn crisis, Karrde managed to keep from Admiral Thrawn the presence of three New Republic leaders in the instance they all were on Myrkr. He was able to mislead Thrawn, thereby helping Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Lando Calrissian evade capture. Karrde also had the good fortune of dealing with a new government that viewed smuggling as crucial to their efforts in rebuilding the republic. He proved his allegiance to the New Republic’s cause during the Thrawn crisis when he gathered every smuggler he could muster and convinced them to help the New Republic in their fight against Admiral Thrawn. This coalition was the genesis of what would be known in Legends as The Smuggler’s Alliance.
No rumor has surfaced yet if Talon Karrde will be integrated into Canon, so attention must turn to the character who may unite the marginals of the Star Wars universe. Bib Fortuna had the influence and opportunity to, but obviously, he lacked the cunning of one Fennec Shand and her boss, Boba Fett. His book will open once more, and his story will unfold. Now that he sits on a figurative throne that once belonged to Jabba Tiure, it will be interesting to see the direction he steers his organization.
New Outlaws
The decline of power and reach was not limited to The Hutt Cartel. Every organization included in The Five Crime Syndicates lost significant influence across the galaxy. Black Sun, Crimson Dawn, Crymorah Syndicate, and Pyke Syndicate have become antiquated names. They remain active, but their workforce has dwindled. As a result, they were not considered much of a threat for an extended period. The Master Codebreaker (yes, he who was searched for on Canto Bight) thought as much. For a time, he owned the Smuggler’s Guide, known better as Maz Kanata’s Journal. In it, he replaces these relics from another age, as he and many others consider those mentioned above, with a new set of five.
In no order of ruthlessness or resources, the five organizations The Master Codebreaker believes are poised to make a run for the top 5 spots are the following:
Droid Gotra
A droid group supporting droid rights. Counted among their members is a band of repurposed battle droids that resent the Galactic Empire for abandoning them after their tour of duty during the Clone Wars. The group was confined to the Coruscant Underworld, which, as the name suggests, are levels beneath the imperial city.
Notable Activity (New Republic Era): The group transmitted orders to all Gotra members and Cyban Front (another criminal organization) to strike data caches on Terminus, Little Petrovi, and Corbett Cluster.
Son-tuul Pride
The group operated out of the Outer Rim jungle planet of Son-tuul and was considered one of the most influential groups. Some pegged them as the sixth member of the original Five Crime Syndicates. Having various alien species as members probably helps widen their reach.
Nothing has been heard about the group in the New Republic era, but being included in the Smuggler’s Guide as one of the top organizations may suggest they do not have to announce themselves to prove their stature in the hierarchy.
Red Key Raiders
Its original name is Red Key Company. This actually gives a hint regarding their origin.
Months after the Battle of Endor, they established a presence on Tatooine, posing as a legitimate mining operation in the hopes of selecting the next generation of mining barons. Their activities included exploiting Tatooine’s supply of dilarium oil and silicax oxalate, and enslaved people eventually brought them in contact with the mayor of Freetown, which is located in Tatooine’s northern hemisphere. Initially, Red Key mob boss Lorgan Movellan succeeded in occupying Freetown and imprisoning Mayor Cobb Vanth and the town’s inhabitants. However, unbeknownst to Movellan, Vanth had a deal with the local Tusken Raiders. The sand people offered them their protection in exchange for supplying the Raiders with water and procuring a pearl from a krayt dragon’s belly. As a result, most of Movellan’s men were killed. However, he was allowed to live so he could deliver a message to his superiors. Noteworthy here is that Vanth carved the message on Movellan’s head with his knife.
Notable Activity (New Republic Era): They formed an alliance with Black Sun. Their aim was to prolong the Galactic Civil War. The plan involved blackmailing two New Republic senators and bribing another three into opposing Chancellor Mon Mothma’s resolution to send New Republic forces to Jakku, where the Galactic Empire’s remnants retreated. A team that included Han Solo uncovered the plot. They extracted a confession from one of the bribed senators, and after rescuing the kidnapped child of a senator, the five senators were convinced to change their votes in exchange for pardons and political favors. With the resolution passed, the New Republic sent military forces to Jakku.
They operated in the Outer Rim Territories as well. Unfortunately, very little information is found regarding their exploits at this time. What is known is their propensity to use makeshift weapons in committing their crimes. This may lead to the conjecture that they are skilled gunsmiths. Unfortunately, their story has yet to be fleshed out, so for now, the only event they’re known for is being one of the gangs killed by the rathtars Han Solo released aboard the Eravana in The Force Awakens.
Guavian Death Gang
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Unlike their rivals Kanjiklub, Guavian gang members are cybernetically enhanced. This reward is proffered to the recruited soldiers once they are sworn in. Their enhancement works because they are equipped with a device that injects chemicals into their bloodstream, boosting their speed and intensity. Their gear includes their red-colored armor and a faceplate fitted with a disk they used for communication. Their weapon of choice is a percussive cannon and hand-held weapon, which, as the name suggests, packs the firepower of its namesake.
They are the other gang hunting for Han Solo. On this occasion, unpaid credits spoke louder than their rivalry, and both gangs agreed to confront Han Solo. Unfortunately for them, their armor could not withstand rampaging rathtars, and a number among their ranks were also killed.
Notable Activity (New Republic Era): They were able to intercept the transmissions Droid Gotra sent and send out a counteracting broadcast ordering Guavian soldiers to intercept the droids.
This article is certainly not an extensive discussion because as long as illegal endeavors are committed, there will always be a group willing to do the deed. However, it does provide a starting point for anyone interested in the criminal elements of the Star Wars universe.
Source(s): TV Tropes, Wookieepedia, /Film