'The Bad Batch' Season 1 Recap
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We are only a few weeks away from the Season 2 premiere of The Bad Batch. It has been a long wait for fans, but there is not much longer to go. From the trailers, we are going to be in for a lot this season with the return of familiar faces such as Commander Cody and Gungi. It has been a while since the Season 1 finale, and some may not have been able to rewatch the first season in time for Season 2. So here is a quick recap of everything that happened in The Bad Batch Season 1.
The Bad Batch or Clone Force 99 consisted of Hunter, the leader, Wrecker the strong one, Tech the nerdy one, Crosshair the angry sniper, and Echo, the newest member. They were different from other clones because they had a genetic alteration that made them different from the other clones. This also caused their inhibitor chips to malfunction, and they were not compelled to follow Order 66, unlike the other clone troopers.
We got to see another instance of Order 66 in the series premiere. Clone Force 99 was there when the clone troopers started carrying out the order and left Padawan Caleb Dume running for his life after the death of his master Deepa Biloba. Hunter decided to help Caleb escape, much to Crosshair’s dismay, which put a wedge between the two.
The group headed back to Kamino where they met a young clone named Omega (who we later discovered was a clone of Jango Fett). The Empire eventually realized that Clone Force 99 failed to follow their inhibitor chips’ mandate. In order to test their loyalty, the Empire ordered them to go to Onderon to execute a group of rebels led by Saw Gerrera. Hunter struggled to pull the trigger on the rebels, and Crosshair once again became frustrated with his leader’s difficulty with following orders. Crosshair split from the group, and the rest of them returned to Kamino to rescue Omega before the Empire was able to take her.
Image Source: Star Wars News Net
Now on the run from the Empire, the Bad Batch decided to take a series of odd jobs, taking their assignments from an underworld fixer named Cid. Cid helped the group get in touch with various criminal organizations and resistance cells. These adventures seemed to set an early precedent for the rebellion. One of the jobs led them to their old ally, Captain Rex. He helped them find an old Republic ship and utilized the medical bay to remove their inhibitor chips.
Cad Bane, who was hired by Kamino Prime Minister Lama Su, kidnapped Omega in order to lure out Hunter and the rest of the Bad Batch. Crosshair one-upped Hunter and captured him. The final arc of the season saw the Bad Batch going back to Kamino to rescue Hunter. Meanwhile, the Empire decided to destroy the cloning facilities on Kamino, which signals the end of the clone troopers.
Crosshair briefly worked with his former brothers to escape from Kamino. They Bad Batch would learn that Crosshair did indeed have his inhibitor chip removed, but still chose to work for the Empire. The season ended with the group flying away from the sinking Kaminoan city, unaware of what awaits them in the future.
Image Source: CBR
The Bad Batch Season 2 trailer has shown a new look for the clones and the return of familiar faces. The Bad Batch will have to deal with Crosshair and the rising threat of the Empire as they continue to find their roles in the galaxy in the time after the Clone Wars.
The Bad Batch Season 2 premieres January 4th, 2023 on Disney+.
Source(s): Poptonic