How Did Obi-Wan Meet Duchess Satine?
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Duchess Satine Kryze was a human female Mandalorian who was the ruler of the New Mandalorians and the planet Mandalore for a time. During the Clone Wars, she was a vocal critic against the conflict, stating “War is intolerable. We have been deceived into thinking that we must be a part of it. I say the moment we committed to fighting, we already lost.” Before the Clone Wars began, she had interactions with a certain familiar Jedi.
Early in her life, Satine was a major part of the New Mandalorian movement. The New Mandalorian movement worked to make changes to Mandalorian society by focusing on the best aspects of the culture instead of focusing on war. This was different from the traditional Mandalorians who wanted to continue waging war after war.
As the New Mandalorian movement continued to grow in strength, dissension also grew among the Mandalorian ranks. As a result, in 42 BBY, a civil war broke out between the New Mandalorian movement and the martial traditionalists. The early part of the civil war resulted in major destructions and casualties, including Satine’s father. A major catalyst to the continued civil war was Satine’s ascension to the leadership over the New Mandalorians.
As the conflict between the groups continued to spiral out of control, the militant Death Watch took drastic action by hiring bounty hunters to assassinate Duchess Satine. This was when the Galactic Republic decided to get involved in the conflict. The Republic sent Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi to protect her. Despite their protection, the ever-increasing threats faced by Satine forced her and her Jedi protectors to escape Mandalore. They would remain on the run for nearly a year. During this very uncertain time, it was clear that Obi-Wan and Satine began to develop feelings for each other. Satine was also the person best known for giving Obi-Wan the nickname “Ben.”
Over time, the New Mandalorians won, and Satine was able to return home. She was now faced with the overwhelming task of rebuilding her home. Although Obi-Wan would have left the Jedi Order to stay with Satine, both of them ultimately chose to return to their duties. The two would be reunited during the Clone Wars. In the end, Maul would kill Satine in the Sundari throne room. As she passed away in his arms, Satine admitted to her love for Obi-Wan.
Following Satine’s death, Obi-Wan felt an immense sense of grief. He admitted to feeling strong bursts of anger and was also envisioning revenge against Maul. After returning to Coruscant Obi-Wan told Anakin that he had lost someone important to him. He also expressed that he understood anger in a new way and that he better understood how difficult it was for Anakin not to give in to his emotions.
Source(s): Wookieepedia