How Luke Skywalker Could Eventually Train Grogu
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Disney’s Star Wars sequel trilogy brought successful box office returns, polarizing critical responses, and a generally dissatisfied popular response. As the Skywalker family’s saga reached its conclusion, the series did not set up an obvious path forward for new installments. It remains uncertain if filmmakers can meet their audience’s hopes for the Star Wars franchise.
Although the future of Star Wars films remains unclear, the Star Wars franchise has found renewed momentum on the small screen. Obi-Wan Kenobi offered an intimate story of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi recovering from trauma and rediscovering his Force connection. The Book of Boba Fett fleshed out the bounty hunter Boba Fett’s origins on Tatooine.
The Mandalorian season 3 ranks as the most anticipated entry of these upcoming television series. Fresh faces like the drifter Din Djarin or the Imperial commander Moff Gideon brought excitement and energy. Yet these newcomers operated in a world with enough nostalgia and classic sci-fi to satisfy diehard fans.
Grogu remains the standout character of The Mandalorian. The affectionately nicknamed Baby Yoda consistently steals the show with his sense of humor, action-oriented nature, and cuteness. Grogu’s decision to leave his Jedi training with Luke was a pivotal moment. How The Mandalorian handles Grogu’s discovery of the Force and the possible return of Luke could shape the success of this flagship entry in Star Wars canon.
Image Source: CultureSlate
Din Djarin Will Struggle
At its heart, The Mandalorian focuses on how the bounty hunter Djarin could learn how to parent a mysterious strange being like Grogu. Grogu’s decision to choose Djarin over Luke shows how far Djarin has progressed as a father figure. The once gruff loner gained a soft side and embraced the importance of family with Grogu.
Djarin’s journey to Mandalore poses obstacles to this core relationship. As Djarin heads to Mandalore, he will face more orthodox Mandalorians who challenge him for removing his helmet and wielding the Darksaber. Djarin may struggle to balance his role as a Mandolorian and Grogu’s caretaker, and Djarin may find himself seeking out support from a figure like Luke.
Luke Skywalker Can Have A Change Of Heart
The Luke Skywalker who appears in The Mandalorian bears little resemblance to the cynical, grizzled older version of himself in The Last Jedi. When Luke encounters Grogu, he still embraces a dualistic vision of the Force, and he asks Grogu to decide between Jedi training and leaving with Djarin. In his later years, Luke has become disillusioned with the Jedi following the failure of his own school at the hands of Kylo Ren.
A final cameo by Luke could bridge the gap between the divergent depictions of his character. At some point, Luke begins to question Jedi orthodoxy and its manner of training students. Luke may conclude that a Jedi’s attachments do not always lead to the Dark Side, and he may decide to impart some of his wisdom on Grogu, if not fully train him.
Ashoka Tano Has A Role To Play
Luke is not the only Force-sensitive being left in The Mandalorian. Although she no longer considers herself a Jedi, Ashoka Tano remains active. Luke and Ashoka’s relationship cannot be characterized as easy by any stretch, but they may come to an understanding.
One possibility is that Luke encourages Ashoka to provide limited training to Grogu to protect his safety while guiding things in the background. Grogu must learn to come to grips with his Jedi abilities, and he could learn to control his impulses from the former hothead turned calm warrior, Ashoka. Grogu must also come to terms with his Jedi past, and Ashoka could help him as he recalls the horrors of Order 66.