'Star Wars' Reveals Exactly When Sidious Killed Darth Plageuis
Image Source: CBR
Did you ever hear about the tragedy of Darth Plageuis the Wise? I thought so. It’s a story that anyone into Star Wars memes would tell you. Okay, you probably know the gist of the story. For those who don’t, Darth Plageuis was Sheev Palpatine’s Master, aka Darth Sidious. He had apparently been able to use the force to save people from death and was working on using it to guarantee eternal life for himself. In Revenge of the Sith, Palpatine mentioned Plagueis in the opera scene when he tried to seduce Anakin to the dark side.
It’s even made clear later in the movie that Palpatine was the murderous apprentice discussed in the legend. What’s left ambiguous is precisely how he was killed, with the only detail that it occurred ‘in his sleep.’ In Legends, the 2012 book written by James Luceno simply titled Darth Plagueis followed the titular character from his own apprenticeship with Darth Tenebrous, his rise through the banking clan as Hego Demask, his manipulation of Syfo-Dyas to order a clone army, and his implied creation of Anakin Skywalker via midi-chlorian manipulation.
The book ends with a rather grisly murder, where the death is shocking in an additional way for Plageuis, as Palpatine tortures him with Force lightning after getting him drunk, celebrating Palpatine’s rise to the chancellorship. But with this retconned out of existence with Disney’s purchase of Lucasfilm, this was tossed out and not given a solid replacement until recently.
The more keen fans reading this likely picked up on the critical detail of this happening after Palpatine becoming chancellor would mean that Plageuis would have been alive in The Phantom Menace. It appears as if the new canon has also told this story in the book Star Wars: Secrets of The Sith, written by Marc Sumerak. The 32-page book released last year contains the following:
After centuries in the shadows, the Sith were poised to emerge once more. As a dark apprentice, I sensed that the Galactic Republic was in disarray. Its delegates held no interest in the common good. They would be easy targets for my influence. Serving as a senator, I manipulated their greed in my favor. With each new act of legislation, I rose through their ranks. Total control of the galaxy’s governing body drew ever closer. But ascension in the Senate would not be enough. My master, Darth Plagueis, had served his purpose. I struck him down, claiming his place as the one true master of the Sith.
Image Source: Comicbook
It appears they had kept the same general time when this happened, after The Phantom Menace. Could you imagine how different things would be if events happened slightly differently in that movie, and as a result, Anakin has met a Sith potentially even more powerful and with more foresight than Palpatine? One can only wonder.
Source(s): Deseret.com, Wookieepeida