What Did The Confederacy Of Independent Systems Want If They Won The War?
Image Source: Star Wars
At its core, the Confederacy of Independent Systems, or CIS, was a group of systems that wanted to secede from the Galactic Republic. It was unfortunately tainted by the Sith, who saw the CIS as an opportunity to dismantle the Republic. To understand what they wanted, we must first understand who they were and how they got to the point where they formed a Confederacy.
If you didn’t watch The Clone Wars animated series or read any of the Extended Universe, then you may only have seen what was shown of the Separatists in Episode II: Attack of the Clones, which was a group of people hellbent on forcing planets and their people to bend to their ways. However, looking at the CIS and what it stood for, it’s quite the opposite.
Consisting mainly of systems in the middle and outer rims, the CIS wanted the Galactic Republic and the inner rim to see them as equal systems and not force their corporate conglomerate ways onto the smaller, more independent systems. They believed their systems were being exploited, there was excessive taxation, the Republic was failing them, and the senate was corroded from corruption. Since many inner rim systems were primarily composed of human or humanoid beings, they tended to look down on the non-human systems as less civilized and intelligent. Many senators saw that separating from the Republic was the only way to save their systems.
Seizing the opportunity, Count Dooku became the head of the Separatists, and a council intentionally filled with non-humans was created, including Nute Gunray of the Trade Federation, Wat Tambor of the Techno Union, the InterGalactic Banking Clan, and the Geonosian weaponeers. Unfortunately, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine (who was secretly operating as Darth Sidious) saw this as a way to exploit the growing separation for his own gain, which also shut down any possibility of diplomacy and created the chance for violence and even war.
Image Source: Star Wars Fandom
After several years of countless battles and lives lost, Gunray and the other leaders wanted to sue for peace. Still believing that Sidious was on their side, the leaders were told that his new apprentice would help take care of them on Mustafar. But when the new apprentice Darth Vader arrived, he killed them one by one by lightsaber. Once the Empire was in power, they promised the Confederacy that the Empire was not their enemy and that they would treat the CIS reasonably as long as they pledged loyalty. Unfortunately, every system suffered under Imperial rule.
Ultimately, the separatists wanted to be self-governed, supported, and respected by the corporations and systems exploiting their people and resources. Unfortunately, what was a peaceful attempt at seceding was manipulated into war.