Who Is Jedi Master Kit Fisto?
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The Jedi order, at its prime, had a lot of Jedi. You don’t realize how many there actually were until you see how few of them survived Order 66. When it comes to famous Jedi, most fans will know the more popular ones, such as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Mace Windu, Yoda, and even Anakin Skywalker before he turned to the Dark Side. But what about those who never had as much of a spotlight? We were introduced to many more Jedi during The Clone Wars, and some of these “background Jedi” were even pushed to the forefront on a few occasions. One of these Jedi was the Nautolan Kit Fisto.
Not much is known about Kit Fisto’s background. We do know that he was born on the planet Glee Anselm and eventually achieved the rank of Jedi Master. He was a Master with intense focus, especially in combat; however, he was much more laid back than some of his colleagues, and was able to have a sense of humor, even in battle. He was also studious and made use of the holocrons that were open to Jedi of his rank. He was even regarded as one of the greatest lightsaber duelists by fellow Jedi Master Mace Windu. He had a Force-sensitive Mon Calamari named Nahdar Vebb as his Padawan, and can be seen preaching caution in an episode of Clone Wars. Fisto had hoped the two would remain close after Vebb became a Jedi Knight; unfortunately, Fisto was unable to protect his headstrong Padawan, and Vebb perished at the hands of Grievous on Vassek 3. Fisto went on to become a member of the Jedi High Council, and can be seen very briefly in the background during the prequel films.
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Fisto was also a Jedi General of the Republic Army, which enabled him to go on various missions during his time. Fisto, along with about 200 other Jedi, participated in the Battle of Geonosis. The Separatists got the upper hand, killing most of the Jedi in the arena. The remaining Jedi, including Fisto, were encircled by battle droids, but were saved by the timely arrival of clones in Republic gunships. Fisto continued the fight outside the arena, and even led a special unit of the brand new Clone Troopers to push back the remaining droids. Other missions included finding General Grievous’s lair and confronting him, accompanying Mace Windu on a mission to Hissrich, rescuing Padawans Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee from Geonosian brain worms, and participating in the Mon Cala campaign. He was serving on the Jedi High Council when he wasn't on missions. Kit Fisto really knew how to keep himself busy.
Unfortunately, the Nautolan met his end at the hands of Darth Sidious. During the end of Revenge Of The Sith, he and fellow Masters Saesee Tiin and Agen Kolar go with Mace Windu to arrest Chancellor Palpatine. As we know, it does not go well, and the Dark Lord takes out Kolar and Tiin easily. Kit Fisto only lasted a few seconds longer, until he, too, was struck down by Sidious. This fight is where we see Mace Windu meet his end as well.
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While not on the same well-known scale as the greats like Obi-Wan Kenobi or Luke Skywalker, Kit Fisto was in a league of his own. He was first introduced in the prequels, but only if you paid attention to those in the background. Later, his story was expanded in The Clone Wars, with him in the forefront at times. Sometimes these “background Jedi” are just as interesting as the popular ones, and Kit Fisto proves that; fans can only wish he had survived Palpatine, because, like many Jedi from those times, he deserved to live.
Source: Wookieepedia