Who Was The Mother Of The Mortis Gods?
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Abeloth is a character first introduced in the nine-part Fate of the Jedi book series(2009). Though the character is very included in the apparatus of the Star Wars universe, she still remains one of the most mysterious characters in the franchise.
From Being A Servant And Mother To Becoming The Bringer Of Chaos
According to the Killiks, a species of intelligent sentient insectoids, Abeloth was first known as a nameless mortal being that arrived on the unknown jungle planet located in the unstable cluster of black holes that was the Maw. On that planet lived The Ones, an odd family comprised of powerful force-users, god-like beings who transcended the physical plane of existence: the Father, the Son, and the Daughter, who were the embodiments of the dark and light side of the Force. To this family, first, the mysterious woman was a Servant, but with time she became part of the family as the Mother and helped the Father with his task, which consisted of maintaining a balance between the two siblings, who by nature were in constant rivalry. Thus, through her guidance was restored the glory and essence of their home planet.
Image Source: Wookiepedia
As the Mother ensured the family’s happiness throughout the years, she also saw herself aging contrarily to her adoptive relatives. To solve the issue, the latter snuck a drink from the Font of Power and bathed in the Pool of Knowledge, which gave her new powers and changed her physically. After doing the forbidden, she became a powerful dark entity whose mind had been corrupted by the dark Force. Her mind became stronger, and so did her love for her family. When the Father saw how she treated his children, he decided to abandon her and fled to Mortis.
Scared of the threat that Abeloth might become, The Ones joined forces with the Killik from Alderaan, and together they built many technological wonders, including what would able to keep Abeloth imprisoned: the Centerpoint and the Sinkhole Station. However, Abeloth remained a great menace to the Galaxy despite being imprisoned. Thus, a cycle was created: she was able to escape whenever there was an alteration in the Current of the Force, and each time the Son and the Daughter would lock her back in her prison with the help of the Killiks. From then on, she became Abeloth the Bringer of Chaos, for her escapes would cause havoc in the Galaxy.
Seeking Freedom From The Beyond Shadows
Of course, Abeloth wasn’t ready to remain shackled until the end of her days and tried to escape the Maw by any means. For she also existed in the Beyond Shadows realm, she was able to influence the Force-users whom Mind Walked into that dimension. Thus, she reached out to any Force-user who entered the zone and cursed them with the same desire for companionship and fear of abandonment. Eventually, she would feed off the vitality of the Force-sensitives drawn to the Beyond Shadows. After the Centerpoint was destroyed a few years after the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Abeloth regained many of her abilities, including mind control and shapeshifting.
At some point, Luke and Ben Skywalker traveled to Sinkhole Station to find the Mind Walkers in their quest to find out how Jacen Solo had turned to the dark side of the Force. When they arrived, the Skywalkers immediately felt a powerful presence and understood how the latter was tightly connected to the Force. After they found the Mind Walkers, Luke learned how to Mind Walk, and during the process, the latter saw Abeloth in the Mists of Forgetfulness across the Lake of Apparitions. When the dark entity tried to meet him, he refused and exited the twisted dimension immediately. Thanks to the Force, Abeloth controlled an ancient Sith Meditation Sphere called Ship, which she forced to create a Sith fleet from the Lost Tribe of Sith on Kesh and bring them back to Sinkhole to use them as a weapon in the physical world. While Luke Skywalker wandered in Beyond Shadows, where Abeloth’s true essence remained, the Sith fleet unsuccessfully tried to capture the Skywalkers.
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Abeloth’s freedom was marked by the fall of Stinkhole Station, which had already been weakened after the destruction of Centerpoint. From then on, the Skywalkers and their newly made allies, the Sith from The Lost Tribe, joined forces to eliminate Abeloth. Although, the latter wasn’t easy to find, for she used her shapeshifting abilities to ruse her enemies. So when they thought they had killed her, in reality, Abeloth had switched bodies with one of the Sith, Dyon Stadd.
Pulling The Strings In The Conflict Between The Sith And The Jedi
On the run, Abeloth commanded Ship to convince the Skywalkers and the Sith that they could find her using the forbidden Pool of Knowledge. Falling for her ruse, the group headed to Sinkhole using the Ship to find new answers. In the process, the leader of the Sith fleet, High Lord Sith Sarasu Taalon, jumped into the forbidden pool and started to change into the same abomination Abeloth was. Meanwhile, Abeloth stole the Jedi’s Ship, the Jade Shadow, and fled the planet. There, she found refuge amongst the Fallanassi, where she created a new avatar of hers by taking control of the leader of the village, Akanah Norand Goss Pell.
However, it didn’t take long until the five allies found Abeloth and sought her in Pydyr. When they finally arrived, the group had to go through Abeloth’s walls of illusions until they encountered Pell. Abeloth immediately saw in Taalon an interesting ally, for he wanted to know more about his changing nature, and she needed help to fight the Skywalkers away. During the confrontation, Vestara Khai stepped forward and killed her superior, Taalon, because she feared Abeloth would take control of the whole tribe. Thanks to her move, Luke Skywalker was able to terminate Abeloth’s vessel, which forced her to escape the confrontation once again.
Both Luke and Khai eventually caught up to Abeloth in the pumping station in the city of Crystal Valley. Anew, in an attempt to influence Luke Skywalker’s mind, Abeloth appeared to them in the form of Callista Ming, Luke’s former love interest. In their confrontation, Luke’s and Callista’s minds connected through the use of the Force and made them relive the memories of her past and see how lonely she felt when Abeloth consumed her. Although shaken by what he saw, Luke still persevered and used a mnemotherapy technique to tear Ming’s spirit away from Abeloth. Ming’s body was saved thanks to his perseverance, and Abeloth weakened.
The Beloved Queen Of The Stars And Her Death
Amid the confusion created by the battle between the Sith and the Jedi, Abeloth found a way to escape the conflict with Ship, who was heavily damaged. At that point, the Sith were losing the battle and retreated. Soon afterward, Abeloth tried to get closer to the Sith and joined a tribe at Kesh, where she tried unsuccessfully to manipulate their leader, the Grand Lord Darish Vol. Unfortunately, her efforts to influence the tribes’ chief backfired on her, for it was Vol that grasped her mind instead. This failure was infuriating to Abeloth; to express it, she unleashed waves of dark side power onto Tahv, the Sith capital city, killing thousands and leaving the city in rubble. Despite her apparent cunning, Gavar Khai and the Sith’s allegiance to the dark entity remained undiminished, and subsequently, they helped her lose the Jedi. Although they all died in the process.
After all these failures, Abeloth undertook a new strategy. The Bringer of Chaos took over the body and mind of Rokari Kem, a highly popular resistance leader, to infiltrate the Galactic Alliance Government at Coruscant and become Chief of State. However, in her plan, Abeloth had underestimated the Sith who had already infiltrated the Senate, including new member High Lord Ivaac Workan, under the disguise of Senator Kameron Suldar. Unbeknownst to Abeloth, Luke Skywalker was aware of the Sith infiltration and knew that the latter would make a move on Coruscant.
As a result, soon afterward, Vol arrived on Coruscant and attempted to assassinate Kem. Unsuccessfully, Vol died, decapitated by Abeloth. Then, to get the current Chief of State, Padnel Ovin, out of the way, Abeloth ordered Workan to initiate a vote to replace the latter. Ultimately, Abeloth ended up causing him to collapse. The vote being initiated right after, Abeloth used the Force to influence the votes in her favor. Thus she became Chief of State, the Beloved Queen of the Stars.
Although powerful, Abeloth’s reign didn’t last forever and ended with the Liberation of Coruscant. After she was nominated Chief of State, the latter solidified the city’s defenses until the Jedi struck back to regain control of the city. Knowing by experience that she couldn’t hold much longer against the Jedi, Abeloth kidnapped Vestara Khai and Ben Skywalker to her planet. She wanted to recreate her family by forcing her two victims to drink from the Font of Power, potentially transforming them into new Ones. Finally, Luke Skywalker arrived on her planet and started a groundbreaking duel in the Beyond Shadows, during which she eventually was defeated.
This was the life of Abeloth, Mother of the Mortis Gods, the Bringer of Chaos, the Beloved Queen of the Stars.
Source(s): Wookieepedia