10 Interesting Behind The Scenes Facts About 'Revenge Of The Sith'
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When it comes to Star Wars, everything about it is interesting to me. I mean, it's why I became a fan of the universe! I won't lie, though, when Revenge of the Sith came out, I didn't like it. Don't get me wrong, it was amazing as a movie; you've got Anakin Skywalker with a particular maturity to him, Obi-Wan with his iconic lines, and the duel between the two. But as a kid, I idolized Anakin. Of course, I knew he was Darth Vader, but the optimistic side of me always thought that maybe, just maybe, it was a different Anakin Skywalker and not the one that has been the star of the prequels.
As time went on, though, I grew to tolerate the movie and the sadness that comes with it. And you know what? Watching the movie with commentaries has made the movie that much more enjoyable. So, let's get down to why you are reading this article and show you 10 interesting behind the scenes about Revenge of the Sith.
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1. When you come across the first scene of Utapau, we see General Grievous arrive, heading to the command center. What you don't notice (or at least I didn't) is the characters in the background not moving. It wasn't noticed by the production team until post-production. I mean, to be honest, the camera was moving too fast to really notice.
2. After the opening scroll of credits end, we are introduced to the epic battle above Coruscant. Then we see two Jedi Starfighters, one with Obi-Wan and the other with Anakin, able to see slightly into the cockpits. I always thought it was the actors in a stationary prop with it edited to have them fly around. That is not the case at all! It's digitally recreated copies of the actors.
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3. In the elevator scene where Anakin cuts a hole in the ceiling and jumps out, they couldn't find a stunt double to jump on cue or have the equipment to pull Hayden in time for the jumps. So, they ended up doing a digital copy of him doing the jumps.
4. On that note, the production team wanted to have all the scenes that didn't have any actors in them to be done before they started filming and showing George Lucas. They could get all the more animated scenes completed 3-4 months before actual shooting was done. I'd call that pretty impressive.
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5. Here is another impressive find. So, Hayden arrived on set 8 weeks before they started shooting and ended up having him go through a brutal workout routine to make sure he had the right body that Anakin would have during this time. I mean, that's pretty intense. Luckily Hayden wasn't all that imposed to the idea.
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6. Do you remember when Anakin has to fly half a ship and land it? I thought, "man, that must have taken so much time to edit because of all the smoke plus creating the fire barrier for reentry." Ends up that the reentry of the ship wasn't the most challenging scene in the movie to be made.
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7. The famous opera scene. It is known that you have George Lucas and his daughter cameo in this scene (just before Anakin goes into Palpatines' private viewing balcony, you can see them on the left-hand side). However, it was added later in production because she was cut out from an early scene, and George wanted her to have a cameo with her.
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8. In Yodas' quarters, the production team was worried that the scene was too dark (lighting use) because his mouth and face kept getting lost in the darkness. However, George liked it and even wanted it darker. It did bring ambiance, I won't lie.
9. George Lucas always wanted to have R2-D2 have his own adventures. So, he created a lot of scenes where R2 is in trouble. Unfortunately, not many made it to the movies, but a fun fact is that most of them did make it to the animated series Clone Wars.
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10. I saved the best one for last! When Anthony Daniels first came onto the set for his first scene as C3P-0 in his gold plating, everyone starred in awe, thinking that Star Wars was truly here with this iconic character. He was so humbled and felt a little inspired to be appreciated.
Well, I learned a lot from these behind-the-scenes facts, and there are plenty more to listen for! So go watch the movie and watch it with the commentaries. Until next time!
Source(s): Disney+