'Andor' Season 2 Is One Month Away: Five Big Questions For It To Answer

Cover art for the second season of 'Andor'

Image Source: StarWars.com

With the second season of Andor: A Star Wars Story just one month away, CultureSlate felt it was important to look back and highlight five major questions left over from Season 1 and related to Rogue One that Season 2 needs to solve. So, let's count them down!

5. The Fate of Cassian’s Sister

Cassian's sister on Kenari

Image Source: StarWars.com

One of the biggest hanging plot threads from Season 1 of Andor is the fate of Cassian’s sister, Kerri. Intertwined with the fate of Kenari, Cassian (or Kassa as he was known as a child) is convinced that Kerri could have survived. The children in the forests of Kenari seemed resourceful, and while Kerri is younger than Kassa, her small size might mean she could escape more easily from any sweeps looking to capture the kids by the Republic or, eventually, the Empire. Perhaps Cassian just has a desperate, unfounded, hope Season 2 will resolve with a definitive statement and our main character will accept that she is gone…but one can never know in Star Wars.


4. What Really Happened to/on Kenari?

A young Cassian looking out over a dig site on Kenari.

Image Source: StarWars.com

There are three layers to the mysteries of Kenari. First, why were all of the children alone despite recent massive industrial operations relatively close to their camp? Second, what was up with that crashed “Separatist” ship? And third, what happened after Kassa was taken off-world? We can assume that some external force mined Kenari’s surface for resources, and possibly did so against the wishes of the locals, perhaps leading to some sort of massacre of the adults. Why and how the children were spared is what we need answered. But there is something else: StarWars.com curiously called Kenari a “restricted planet” when the Andors visit the world, suggesting Republic awareness of some event on the surface.

Then, with the crashed ship, despite the uniforms of the crew bearing the Separatist hexagon, Maarva states the vessel belongs to the Republic, backed up by writing on StarWars.com. Then, as Republic vessels jump in-system and start to descend, Maarva and Clem flee with Kassa, seeking to save his life from the apparent harsh reprisal that would follow the Republic’s arrival. By the height of the Empire, a “mining disaster” is claimed to have taken almost all lives on Kenari, though this line is something the Empire has often employed to cover up despicable actions undertaken by their military. Did the Republic occupy the planet until they became the Empire, and something else happened? Or was the disaster a genuine event that initially marked Kenari as a restricted world? We know so little; hopefully details regarding this strange early chapter from Cassian’s life will be cleared up in Season 2.

3. The Fate of the Ferrix Four

Andor walking through a Ferrix shipyard.

Image Source: YouTube

The Ferrix Four, represented by Bix Caleen, Brasso, B2EMO and Wilmon Paak, were last seen jetting off to safety in a ship piloted by Jezzi, who might be a fifth member of the group if she chose to not return to Ferrix after the chaos in Season 1’s finale. Regardless, we already know that this question will be answered during the second season, thanks to multiple shots of the four core characters in the trailer and special look released so far. It appears that all four remain together on an agricultural planet, and they get pulled into Cassian’s heist of what appears to be a TIE Avenger from that same planet. We see that the Imperials come to the agricultural facility where the four Ferrixians are living, and that Brasso appears to run. There is also Wilmon Paak, who is shown to be on the agricultural world, but also seems to appear with Saw Gerrera’s Partisans. Bix, meanwhile, also appears in several locations, and it may be that at least some of the Ferrix Four end up joining the Rebellion, if not specifically the Partisans. It would be an intriguing narrative to show a diversity of opinion between these four citizens of Ferrix and track the directions they go compared to, or alongside, Cassian. But as we don’t see them at Cassian’s side in Rogue One, something has to happen to them, and the story here might very well be a sad one.

2. What Happens to Luthen?

Luthen looking somber.

Image Source: Bluesky

The fate of Luthen Rael has been on the minds of many fans since the conclusion of Andor Season 1, where he was seen playing a critical role in the organization and coordination between Rebel cells. Luthen isn’t in the original trilogy, and he doesn’t appear in any comics or books either, leading many fans to assume that he dies sometime during Season 2. This is a good guess, but we might see other outcomes.

The first is that he receives an ambiguous fate, perhaps the most annoying of the options, but something that isn’t unfamiliar to Star Wars fans. Maybe he is left to die or is marooned on a world by some character, like Saw or Cassian, or we last see him in the clutches of the ISB, finally caught but unlikely to give up any information. It is also possible that Luthen will survive the show, and his lack of appearance in wider Star Wars is down to him remaining deep in the background, hiding away with only a few contacts in the Rebel Alliance. Luthen’s purpose is to jumpstart a rebellion against the Empire, and it may be that once that happens, he no longer thinks he is needed or should be present. Regardless, Season 2 is certain to tackle this topic head on, as almost all our shots of Luthen from the first trailer and special look have the man wearing an earnest or serious expression.

1. Cassian’s Crimes

Andor standing near a Rebel tactical display.

Image Source: StarWars.com

Cassian Andor’s actions, by the end of Season 1, were fairly understandable. Though selfish at times, and intensely driven by personal goals over those of a wider group or community, Cassian eventually overcame these flaws to see a bigger picture. But in Rogue One, the character tells Jyn Erso that he has done terrible things for the Rebellion, and he sees the mission to Scarif as his attempt to atone for those events. StarWars.com and other sources have noted how Cassian’s past work for the Rebellion included things like assassination, and we see how ruthless he can be at the start of Rogue One. Will we see some of those terrible things in the second season of Andor? Almost certainly. A popular theory holds that it will be Cassian who helps ignite the Ghorman Massacre by shooting first, or assassinating someone important, causing the Empire to brutally respond. We see him with a long-ranged weapon in a hotel room, testing the blaster, in the special look. It could also be true that we see a more gradual slide from Cassian, from him doing smaller acts to something rather large shortly before the series finishes. One month more to wait!


Source: StarWars.com [1] [2] [3]

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