Everything You Need To Know About Mandalore The Preserver
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Mandalorian popularity has reached a new height with The Mandalorian. In the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video games a popular companion is introduced as Canderous Ordo. Canderous Ordo was part of the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders that would force the Mandalorian Wars upon the Galactic Republic and later Revan and Malak. Canderous would serve Manda’lor the Ultimate during the Mandalorian Wars. The Taungs would use the term Manda’lor whereas Mandalorians that came after would use Mandalore.
6. Basilisk War Droid
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Canderous's mind was remarkable. He could remember every battle and significant encounter from his time as a Mandalorian Neo-Crusader. In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Canderous shares stories of his past battles with the player character. Before he became Mandalore, Canderous served as a shock trooper during the Mandalorian Wars. He would begin his journey riding a Basilisk war droid into dangerous encounters. The Basilisk War Droid would drop Mandalorian soldiers in from orbit. Canderous chooses to look back and remember each encounter as the "good old days.”
5. Canderous’s Wife
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In summary, Revan engaged in warfare against the Mandalorians to bring about peace by eliminating them. The Jedi Council did not approve of Revan's actions. Following the war, Revan formed a strong bond with Canderous due to their shared love of battle during the Jedi Civil War. After defeating Darth Malak on the Star Forge, Revan and Canderous embarked on a mission to locate Manda'lor's helmet. During this quest, Canderous's wife Veela discovered Revan's true identity as the one responsible for introducing the Mandalorians to the concept of genocide. Upon reclaiming Manda'lor the Ultimate's armor, Veela demanded that Canderous kill Revan. However, he refused, leading to a confrontation in which Veela was ultimately defeated by Canderous and the skilled Jedi master. Following her demise, Revan and Canderous were able to move forward and retrieve the armor without any further obstacles from Veela or Clan Ordo. Canderous was hesitant to rule the Mandalorian people at first.
4. Taking The Mandalore Mantle
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Initially, Canderous refused but later changed his mind when he met a dying Taung claiming to be the true Manda’lor. The dying Taung claimed that "Manda’lor the Ultimate" was a pretender to the Mandalore mantle. As he lay dying the nameless Mandalorian asked Canderous to preserve the way of the Mandalore. Revan exposed the truth about Manda’lor the Ultimate and the Sith's true intentions in the Unkown Regions. That Mand’alor the Ultimate had allied with the Sith to conquer the galaxy rather than prepare for the upcoming Sith invasion. After this revelation, Canderous donned Mandalore’s armor, united all Mandalorian clans, and led the Mandalorian people through a time of prominence. The looming Sith threat created a strong but temporary alliance between the Jedi and Mandalorians. Like many real-world rulers, Canderous earned a title. This title was “The Preserver.” The title elevated Canderous’s status to other Mandalorian clans after death to further cement what kind of ruler Canderous was. Canderous earned this title by fighting the leader of each Mandalorian clan. The title does nothing special and exists whilst Canderous shared his many adventures throughout the Galaxy with Meetra Surik and Revan. More or less the title is a Mandalorian way of cataloging each generation’s significant Mandalore.
3. Battle Of Telos
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In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2, the Republic and the remaining Onderon fighters arrive at Telos IV to thwart the Ravager and Darth Nihilus. In short, the timely arrival of Canderous and his united clans saved the galaxy from the Sith's return when the Jedi Order failed. Without their intervention, the Republic would have faced defeat much earlier. Mandalore’s arrival allowed Republic forces to triumph over the Sith assassins. Mandalore repels Darth Nihilus's troops off of Telos IV and back to the Ravager. Canderous' desire for revenge and nostalgia for the Mandalorian Wars affected the Battle of Telos IV by saving the Republic. Canderous discovers that the Ravager is the identical Star Destroyer that was present during the events of the final battle of the Mandalorian Wars. Even though it had been a decade since the brutal conflict, the old enemy cruiser remained. An opportunity such as this was not one that Mandalore would pass up on. It was important for Canderous that the Mandalorians defeat the Ravager once and for all.
2. Becoming The Ultimate Warrior
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During the aftermath of the Jedi Civil War, Canderous wanted to be a warrior and usurp the mantle of Mandalore which is the exact opposite of Din wanting to be a father. In doing so Canderous joined Revan to pursue the helmet of Mand’alor the Ultimate which resulted in the death of his wife Veela. The Sith used the Dark Side to corrupt Manda'lor the Ultimate's mind. During the era of the Mandalorian Neo Crusaders, the Darksaber did not exist and was not used by their leader. Rather, the leader of the Neo-Crusader Mandalorians wore Mandalore’s armor. Like Din Djarin, Canderous also refused to take off his armor, even when asked. In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords, Canderous goes by the title of Mandalore. Mandalore's armor remains as a part of the wearer, which reinforces the idea that Mandalore is a single unit in this video game. Additionally, Canderous later to be called Mandalore is the only companion on the Ebon Hawk who has this limitation.
1. Relatable To Din Djarin
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In 2019, Disney+ released The Mandalorian, which significantly impacted the Star Wars universe. The main character, Din Djarin, is a Mandalorian who values the Creed and follows the Way with unwavering dedication. Now Canderous is not a cult-like member of the Children of the Watch but still holds all Mandalorian traditions close to his heart. Like Din, Canderous would not take his helmet, or armor, off and would not flee from battle. Din and Canderous wear a more traditionally forged set of Mandalorian armor, unlike the more modern sets. Unlike Din Djarin, Canderous was a master with vibroswords and favored using a variety of melee weapons rather than resorting to unarmed combat. On Taris, in the Outer Rim, Canderous started working as a mercenary and bounty hunter, like Din. Both Din and Canderous worked for crime bosses, Davik Kang and Boba Fett respectively.
Sources: Star Wars, Wookieepedia, Star Wars The Old Republic: Revan, The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett