More Things You Might Have Missed From ‘The Bad Batch’ Season 2 Mid-Season Event

Clone Force 99

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There were much excitement and build-up for The Bad Batch Season 2 mid-season event which aired on February 8. Beyond the big surprises, it is also full of little details. Here are more things you might have missed in The Bad Batch Episodes 7 and 8, “The Clone Conspiracy“ and “Truth and Consequences.”

5. Ian McDiarmid’s Return As Palpatine

Emperor Palpatine in The Bad Batch

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The beloved Ian McDiarmid returned as Emperor Palpatine in The Bad Batch. His first appearance in the animated series was during his inaugural address to the clone troopers as Emperor after Order 66. The last time fans saw him on-screen was in Obi-Wan Kenobi when he spoke to Darth Vader via hologram after the Sith Lord’s return from the epic duel with Obi-Wan. Although Palpatine was not in every single Star Wars project (like in Andor Season 1), his presence could be felt throughout the Star Wars galaxy at large.

4. Echo’s Past

Echo saying goodbye to Omega in The Bad Batch

Image Source: ComingSoon

Many fans were overjoyed at the return of the beloved clone Echo. Although he did not receive much character development in The Bad Batch's first season, Echo finally opened up to Omega about his time on Skako Minor in this episode. At the end of the episode, Echo decided to remain with Rex on Coruscant to help the clones.

Those who are familiar with The Clone Wars animated series might remember that Echo and Rex had a long history together in the 501st legion. Prior to Echo’s joining the Batch, Rex went with the Clone Force 99 to rescue him on Skako Minor.

It looks like The Bad Batch may be setting up for a possible clone uprising. With time the audience can only hope for Echo’s return to the Batch.


3. Halle Burtoni

Halle Burtoni in The Bad Batch

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Halle Burtoni is the ruthless and cold former senator of Kamino. Senator Burtoni was first introduced in The Clone Wars where she sought out more funding for the clone operations on Kamino. In fact, during this arc of The Clone Wars, Senator Burton is seen time and time again devaluing sentient life for proper military funding. After the destruction of Kamino in The Bad Batch, Burtoni was removed from office, publicly disgraced, and allowed to retire. She did not suffer the same tragic fate as Prime Minister Lama Su who was silenced by Vice Admiral Rampart. This was probably due to the fact that, unlike Lama Su, she was not aware of Darth Sidious and his role in the creation of the clone army.

2. Mon Mothma’s Absence

Mon Mothma in Andor

Image Source: SlashFilm

With Star Wars: Andor’s first season featuring Senator Mon Mothma of Chndrila, viewers might have hoped to see her in another Star Wars project like The Bad Batch. After all, she was the mother of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and a staunch ally to Bail Organa and Padme Amidala. However, Mon Mothma was not seen, heard, or even mentioned during the two senate meetings in “The Clone Conspiracy” and “Truth and Consequence.” Yet, we see many figures from the prequel era such as Mas Amedda, Wilhuff Tarkin, Riyo Chuchi, and Bail Organa. 

The absence of Mon Mothma in this episode means that she may be doing something else for the fledgling Rebel Alliance as she would not miss her chance to stall the Emperor’s machinations.

1. Tynnra Pamlo

Tynnra Pamlo in Rogue One

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Senator Tynnra Pamlo of Taris first appeared in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story when she spoke up about how hopeless it is for the Rebel Alliance to stand up against the Empire’s weapon of mass destruction. However, in this episode of The Bad Batch, Senator Pamlo passionately spoke up against the fascist and unfair policies presented in the Galactic Senate as she argued against the Defense Recruitment Bill.



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