Ranking The Characters Most Deserving Of Wielding Mjolnir (Besides Thor)
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The enchanted hammer Mjölnir is more than just a weapon. It is a symbol forged in the heart of a dying star and a family heirloom passed down by Odin, the King of Asgard. It can also fly and summon lightning, which is beyond cool. Another unique quality that sets Mjölnir apart is that it can only be wielded by a worthy user. In Marvel canon, Odin passes Mjölnir down to Thor. In Thor: Love and Thunder, Dr. Jane Foster, Thor’s former partner and love interest, comes into possession of Mjölnir.
Mjölnir’s unusual nature sets up a hilarious gag during Avengers: Age of Ultron. The Avengers are blowing off steam at their headquarters when Clint Barton suggests they try lifting Thor’s hammer. One by one, they fail to move the magical implement. This scene raises the question of who else can wield Mjölnir. Previous owners of Mjölnir, such as Odin, Thor, Dr. Jane Foster, and Thor’s sister Hela excluded, the following Marvel characters are most deserving of the honor.
9. Tony Stark
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It is almost comical comparing Thor and Tony Stark. The tall, handsome, and noble warrior Thor could not be more different than the snarky tech genius Tony Stark aka Iron Man. When Stark first encountered Mjölnir, he got cocky and attempted to lift it using his enhanced gloves.
Stark uses his self-reliance and technological savvy to solve his problems. He invented his famous suit to survive a heart injury while imprisoned by Ten Rings terrorists in a cave. While Stark deserves some credit for his intelligence, charisma, and drive to succeed, he still needs to learn humility.
8. Doctor Stephen Strange
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Doctor Stephen Strange already has a magical object. The Cloak of Levitation flies to Strange’s aid during his time of greatest need. Beyond wearing the cloak, Strange is a Master of the Mystic Arts of Kamar-Taj and even develops the third eye.
Someone with Strange’s immense power might seem like a natural candidate to wield Mjölnir. However, Strange’s journey has been one of letting go of control. Strange would likely bow out of the spotlight and refrain from taking possession of Thor’s hammer.
7. Clint Barton
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The most underrated member of the Avengers crew, Hawkeye does more than shoot straight. He sticks it out with allies who fight with supernatural abilities. This heroism eventually gets passed on to Clint Barton’s protégé, Kate Bishop.
Barton demonstrates that one does not always need superpowers to save the world. Instead, one can use their athleticism, teamwork, and sheer grit. Barton does not need the affirmation of wielding Mjölnir to prove he is a hero.
6. Natasha Romanoff
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Like Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff does not rely on superpowers to solve her problems. She does not bother with something as quaint as a bow and arrow. Instead, Black Widow punches, kicks, shoots, and blasts her foes.
Yet Romanoff’s greatest strength comes from her willingness to forgo her own desires for the greater good. During Avengers: Endgame, Romanoff and Barton fight to determine who will give their life to obtain the Soul Stone. Romanoff’s ultimate sacrifice might have been worthy of making Mjölnir budge.
5. Loki
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Loki would be a controversial choice to wield Thor’s hammer. With his history of tormenting Thor and the Avengers, Loki comes with baggage. This trickster almost destroyed New York City in his quest for power.
However, Loki does have two things going for him. For one, he is Thor’s adoptive brother. Second, Loki refused to take control of the Time Variance Authority. This redemptive act just might show the trickster is ready to take on greater responsibility.
4. Valkyrie
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With her ties to Asgard, Valkyrie knows something about the power of Mjölnir. This warrior has proven her loyalty and strength while battling Hela’s army.
Throughout Thor: Love and Thunder, Valkyrie proves her worth as an ally. Valkyrie helps Thor and Jane reconnect with one another on their travels. She also battles against Gorr the God Butcher, and leads the reconstruction effort of New Asgard.
3. Love
Image Source: Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Taika Waititi depicts Thor as someone on a quest to find love and embrace a new generation. Thor realizes that his power means little if he does not share it with others. He fulfills this desire by adopting Love, the daughter of his defeated foe, Gorr the God Butcher.
Thor: Love and Thunder ends with Thor raising Love and sharing their adventures. It could be the case that Love grows up to become Thor’s official heir to Mjölnir.
2. Vision
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Vision is a synthezoid created by Ultron from vibranium. In Avengers: Age of Ultron, Vision easily picks up Mjölnir and hands it to Thor. This single act earns the trust and respect of the Avengers, who accept Vision into their ranks.
Vision’s ability to lift Mjölnir comes in part from a powerful artifact called the Mind Stone. However, Vision also consistently demonstrates his selflessness. Although he sees humanity’s flaws, Vision risks his life to save Wanda and the citizens of Westview.
1. Steve Rogers
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No one else comes close to Captain America himself. Steve Rogers represents the best of the Avengers due to his personal traits. He is the embodiment of loyalty, decency, and justice.
Few can keep a dry eye when Rogers pulls up Mjölnir during the final battle of Avengers: Endgame. This moment represents the most earned symbol coming into the hands of the MCU’s biggest hero. May Rogers rest easy dancing in the arms of Sharon Carter.