The 5 Best Moments From 'The Bad Batch' Season 2 Premiere

Image Source: IGN Southeast Asia

The Bad Batch Season 2 had a long-awaited two-episode premiere on January 4th. We see the clones go visit Cid, where she tells them about an empty planet called Serenno that once belonged to Count Dooku. The planet is filled with treasures and promises them that if they pulled this off, they would not have to run anymore. At first, the group is unsure, but eventually, agree to give it a shot. The premiere had a very strong start and many great moments, but these were some of the best from the first two episodes. 

5. Wrecker Making A Cannon

Wrecker and his cannon

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Wrecker has always been the tough one of the group. He is the biggest and the strongest of his brothers, and many probably do not see him as anything more. The second episode proved otherwise, and we got to see Wrecker put his brains to the test. He was able to revive an old Republic cannon, and successfully shoot the soldiers that were after him and Hunter. He even utters the line, “I love being a tank,” and we love Wrecker for that. 


4. Tech Learning About Life Before the Separatists

Tech talking to Romar

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When Tech is injured, he, Echo, and Omega are helped by a local man named Romar, who has been displaced by Dooku’s greed. They go to his house, where he tells Tech how he has been working on opening the device that contains a history of his people, and what came before the Separatists. Tech is confused, and the man reminds him that there was something before the Separatists and the Empire. It is a bittersweet moment, as the man has lost everything, and Tech has never known anything different. 

3. Tech And Hunter Teaching Omega About Ships

The Bad Batch at Cid's cantina

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At the beginning of the first episode, we saw Omega using a data pad to learn everything about ships. She tries to take a break but Tech scolds her. Later, we see Hunter testing her on various ships, and she seems to do well. Omega uses her knowledge later to help rescue herself, Echo, and Tech from an Empire ship they’re trapped on. It is nice to see Omega learn useful information that ends up helping the group.

2. Romar Giving Omega the Kaleidoscope 

Omega looking inside the kaleidoscope

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When you think about it, Omega probably has never had a toy. When Echo, Tech, and she meet Romar, he seems to be up to something. The man searches among his things and hands Omega a kaleidoscope. With kid-like innocence, she asks what it is and if it is valuable. The man laughs and says no, it's a toy. As they’re leaving, the man throws Omega the toy. 

1. Echo And Omega’s Heart to Heart

Omega talking to Echo

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Omega overhears Echo talking to Hunter about how Omega has made them change their plans. He definitely does not sound happy about taking the girl on. She tries her hardest to prove her worth, risking her life to save the war chest, but she does not succeed. Later, she then tells Echo what she heard him say to Hunter, and she apologizes for losing the war chest. He then tells her they made the right choice saving her, and that he would do it again if he had the choice. 

The Bad Batch Season 2 premiere had many great moments. I am glad we are getting to see the other clones bond with Omega a bit more. The season started out strong, and I cannot wait to see these characters continue to grow and see where their stories go. 

New episodes of The Bad Batch release Wednesdays on Disney+.



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