The Best Companions In 'Starfield'
Image Source: IGN India
Starfield is Bethesda’s newest IP and like its previous games, it's massive. There are countless quests to complete, and sometimes you won’t even focus on the main mission. With the massive game, however, comes companions. Companions have always been a part of Bethesda games. There are multiple companions that can accompany you on your journey, but there are five main ones that have meaning. The more you travel with each companion, the closer you’ll become, and eventually, you’ll even get to do their quest. There is the option to romance all of them, except Vasco, and that decision will come after their personal quest is completed. Of course, people have their favorites, so let’s take a look and rank the main companions in Starfield.
5. Sarah Morgan
Image Source: Eurogamer
Sarah will be the companion most players will choose to start with. She’s the first one you meet at the Lodge and even gives you your first quest. She also asks to accompany you on your journey. Her personal quest is quite interesting, and it even yields a new person to join the Lodge. While I do like Sarah, she’s not always the biggest fan of the player character’s choices, which can be a bit annoying.
4. Andreja
Image Source: Game Spot
Andreja is different from the other Constellation members. She never feels like she belongs, and this is probably because she is from House Va’ruun. This is a mysterious group of people, who supposedly worship a giant serpent. The more you travel with her, the more you will learn about her mysterious past. Once you get to know her well, you’ll be able to start her quest, which will determine her fate with House Va’ruun.
3. Vasco
Image Source: Games Hub
The only nonhuman companion in the game, and the first companion you get. He follows you to the Lodge after you acquire the Frontier. Since he’s a robot, he doesn’t ask too many questions. He tends to be more peaceful, but if the player character starts shooting, Vasco will join in. He considers the members of Constellations like family and will do his best to bond with them.
2. Barrett
Image Source: Escapist Magazine
Barrett is who you first meet in Starfield. While you can’t have him follow you right away, he does give you your first ship and Vasco, so he’s a pretty great guy considering he barely knows you. The more he follows you, the more you learn about his history. He’s also pretty entertaining, as the jokes and comments he makes throughout your journey are pretty funny. His personal quest is also quite fun, and also one of my favorites in the game.
1. Sam Coe
Image Source: The Game Crater
My character is married to Sam, so I may be a little biased when it comes to putting him as number one. He is literally a space cowboy, what more do you need? He will follow you into anything, and will always have your back. He, like the other companions, will have opinions about your various choices. However, I feel like he can be a bit more lenient than the others when it comes to these choices. Sam has a big legacy to follow, as he is related to the founder of Akila City, Solomon Coe. He and his daughter Cora, are a package deal.
Every companion in Starfield has a purpose. These five are vital members of Constellation and to the player character’s journey. I recommend having each one follow you at one point, and doing their personal quests, as it adds something to the game. While others can follow you, these main five are the ones the player will have the most meaningful interactions with. With Starfield being so massive, it’s easy to lose yourself in the world. It's nice to have someone with you, even in the deepest reaches of space, and know you’re not totally alone.
Source: Starfield Wiki