The Leaders Of The Rebellion That Fought From Within The Empire
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The Rebellion in the Star Wars universe slowly grew into a big operation that spanned multiple planets within the galaxy. Regarding those who led the Rebellion, we tend to think of people like Leia Organa, Han Solo, and Luke Skywalker. The Rebel Alliance started before the events of A New Hope by members of the Senate. Some were able to resist the Empire and its ideals from within their ranks as senators or members of the military. They tried their best to cripple the Empire from the inside.
Senator Bail Organa
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Bail Organa is one of the founding members of the Rebel Alliance. He was always a prominent force in the Senate and spoke about the continuation of peace and democracy during the Clone Wars. Once Palpatine took over, and the Galactic Empire rose to power, Organa kept his seat but began putting together resistance movements to fight the rise of fascism. Once the role of Senator lost meaning, Organa and his wife, Breha, started to organize clandestine operations across the galaxy. He eventually recruited the help of Ahsoka Tano, and together they increased the number of rebel cells across the galaxy. As the years went on, he and his allies were able to craft a unified rebellion due to the vast network of people and resources at his disposal. Unfortunately, Bail and Breha didn't get to see their work to its end, as they were killed when Alderaan was blown up by the Death Star. Leia, however, was able to carry on her parent's legacy and become one of the prominent leaders of the Rebellion.
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Another founding member of the Rebel Alliance. Mon Mothma was a Senator from Chandrila and represented it until the end. Like Bail Organa, she started resistance movements across the galaxy. Mon became a central figure when it came to forming the official Rebel Alliance, and because of her leadership, the Rebels were able to defeat the Empire.
Senator Padme Amidala
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Padme Amidala was a senator from Naboo and one of the founders of the Rebel Alliance. Initially, Padme was not trusted by Bail Organa and Mon Mothma, and it wasn't until her second month as a Senator that the two other Senators finally trusted her enough with their plans. She, unfortunately, died a few days after the formation of the Rebel alliance.
Senator Onaconda Farr
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While not a direct leader of the Rebellion, this was a Rodian senator who represented his homeworld of Rodia in the Senate. He had many ideals that aligned with those who did lead the Rebel Alliance and was very anti-war and anti-Empire. In private, he was considered complicated and self-conscious. He was an outspoken supporter of democracy and progressive causes and was dedicated to his people within the Senate. Once the Clone Wars happened, he became a leading anti-war senator and worked with his allies to try and bring a peaceful resolution to the conflict. In the years before the Separatist Crisis, he worked closely with like-minded senators, like Senator Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, and Padme Amidala, who he considered a protege and close friend. Throughout his life, he remained a staunch loyalist to the Republic and a leading supporter of anti-war causes. Unfortunately, this made him the target of assassins, and he was poisoned and died.
Gial Ackbar
Image Source: Star Wars
Gial Ackbar was a Mon Calamari soldier. He was a revolutionary leader during the Clone Wars, Galactic Civil War, the Cold War, and the war between the Resistance and First Order. He served as the leader during the Battle of Endor, where the Rebels successfully mounted an attack that led to the destruction of the second Death Star and the death of Emperor Palpatine.
Not everyone who worked in the Empire supported the Empire. As we've seen in various Star Wars content, many of those within the Empire resisted and even formed the Rebel Alliance, which led to the Empire's undoing. Besides sharing a common hatred of the Empire, they also shared another belief, hope.
Source(s): Screen Rant