Top 5 Interesting ‘Star Wars’ Terms
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The vast majority of words spoken in any given language are familiar to the people who speak that language. Even in translations, the word can be recognizable. The main difference would be proper nouns, but on the whole, words can be translated from one language to another. But what about fiction? In fiction, you can create any words that you want. George R.R. Martin has many cultures with unique languages, such as the Dothraki, and there’s an amusing accusation that Tolkien didn’t write languages for The Lord of the Rings. Instead, he wrote that series so he’d have characters to speak his made-up languages.
Well, Star Wars is no different.
With a vast galaxy filled with thousands of planets, there would naturally be words unique to Star Wars and not seen anywhere else. Today, we’re looking at five of them.
1: Sith
Image source: star wars canon wiki
The idea of the Sith wasn’t fully expanded upon until the prequel trilogy, but it’s hard to imagine Star Wars without them. Almost everything that has gone wrong in the Star Wars universe has been because of the machinations of the Sith. Maybe it’s biased because we’ve heard the word associated with evil, but the word itself sounds unsettling. Of course, if one knew nothing of Star Wars and was asked if they thought Sith are good or evil, most people would probably say evil. But, again, that might be familiarity bias speaking.
2: Jedi
Image source: starwars
We’ve hit the point that Jedi is one of the most famous words in pop culture. Even if somebody hasn’t seen Star Wars, they still know what a Jedi is. It instantly brings to mind the sight of a robed warrior monk wielding a lightsaber. Their representations vary between various media pieces, but at their core, they are classic Star Wars, and the word is instantly recognizable.
3: Darth
The title of ‘Darth” is an interesting one. At first, it was just a name. Now it’s a representation of the Sith, and the names that follow them are usually representative of evil (Vader/invader, Sidious/insidious, Revan/Revenant, Maul/self-explanatory), so seeing somebody with the title of Darth is not only pure Star Wars, but it’s a quick indication of what a character is like.
4: Midi-chlorians
Image source: starwars
I mean… uh… you know. Despite the major controversy surrounding their mere idea, said controversy makes midi-chlorians an instantly recognizable word in the Star Wars universe. Yes, it was a mistake to say that force sensitivity depended on how many of these bacteria were inside your blood or… something. It’s not completely clear what they do, and various media pieces have slightly different interpretations of exactly what they are. Regardless, like it or not, it’s a very Star Wars word.
5: TIE Fighter/X-Wing
Image source: screenrant
This might be cheating, but in classic Star Wars ships, only the Millennium Falcon is more iconic. Once again, when those words are spoken, you instantly have an accurate picture in your mind of precisely what they are. Likewise, the iconic, menacing sounds of the TIE fighters are instantly recognizable, and the X-Wings have played a significant part in many iconic scenes in the films, such as the Death Star attack and Yoda showing that “size matters not.”
Overall, Star Wars has a plethora of words that are uniquely its own. It’s another way that the series is recognizable. Ask someone what a sith is, and they’ll be able to tell you. Ask someone what a Jedi is, and they’ll be able to tell you, even if they’ve never seen the movies. Ask someone what midi-chlorians are, and they’ll get depressed and frustrated. Regardless, the words are iconic.