A New Trailer For 'Avatar: The Way Of Water' Has Released Online To The Delight Of Fans
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In about three weeks, the long-awaited sequel to James Cameron’s Avatar, Avatar: The Way of Water, will release in theaters. It’s been 13 years since Avatar first came into theaters. It’s been re-released several times, most recently over the last couple of months, in anticipation of the sequel’s release. This was all to achieve the goal of obtaining the highest grossing movie of all time. As of this posting, it is, with a grand total of $2,992,917,914, according to Box Office Mojo. (Cameron is behind two of the top three movies on the list.)
Today, the official trailer for the movie dropped online. It depicts Jake Sully in his permanent Na’vi body, along with Neytiri, and what seems to be their three children. They fly in to a beautiful beach on Pandora and are greeted by other Na’vi. The beach tribe’s leader asks why they are there, and after an ominous shot of a phalanx of mechanized suits last seen in the first movie, Jake pleads with the leader that he just wishes to protect his family.
The trailer shows scenes slightly reminiscent of the first movie, with his children having to learn to “ride” the water tribe’s equivalent of the ikran. In one shot, one of his male children holds up their hand to a female member of the water tribe, showing the distinctly five fingered hand of a tank-grown Na’vi body that he likely inherited from his father. He bemoans the treatment they’ve received, saying they’re being treated as outcasts, the focus on the hand highlighting their differences from native Na’vi.
Of the rest of the trailer, outside of the beautiful glimpses of Jake’s children exploring the oceanic parts of Pandor, it alludes to the return of the human colonists. There are shots of a massive water base and a large ship, like a futuristic hovercraft of some kind. Nothing seems to focus on a particular person, unlike the first film painting Quaritch as the main villain, but a fight against the humans is definitely in the works. One clip shows Neytiri holding her bow out to Jake or one of his children, pleading to protect the people. The trailer ends with what looks like Neytiri rehashing a tactic from the first film: diving through the air on an ikran to fire an arrow through the cockpit of a human attack craft.
One thing’s for sure: the sequel looks just as visually stunning and colorful as the first. Cameron can’t be faulted for that. The hope remains that the story is more inspired than the more derivative first, and so far it looks like that could be the case.
Avatar: The Way of Water releases in theaters December 16.
Source(s): YouTube, Box Office Mojo