Expansion Pass DLC For 'Cities Skylines 2' Delayed Due To Issues With PC Version
Image Source: CultureSlate
After suffering plenty of setbacks already, including a delay to the game's console release, Cities: Skylines 2 faces another. The post-launch Expansion Pass content has been delayed so that developer Colossal Order can focus on bringing the game to a state they are happy with. That includes performance improvements and implementing the already delayed Mod Editor.
In a series of blog posts called Word of the Week, Colossal Order’s CEO Mariina Hallikainen has talked about the issues and where the team currently is with fixing them. In the latest post, Hallikainen revealed the delay for the Expansion Pass content, stating, “Once the PC version is where we want it to be, we will be focusing on the console release and DLC content. We are committed to bringing the marketed DLC content to you, but it will not be landing in the originally promoted schedule. … I apologize for the delay, but we must not rush new content before the base is ready for it.”
The first Asset Pack release will now be coming in Q1 of 2024. The Content Creator Packs are shifted from that quarter into Q2 2024. While the Expansion Bridges and Ports content remains scheduled for Q2 2024, the three additional radio stations have also been delayed. As for the console version of Cities: Skylines 2, that will be coming sometime in the first half of 2024, arriving on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.
Source: IGN