PlayStation Announces Monthly Games For October 2022
Image Source: CultureSlate
Today is an exciting day for PlayStation fans; with the end of the month comes the next set of PlayStation Plus Monthly Games. If you don’t know, each month a set of games are temporarily available for Essential, Extra, and Premium members of PlayStation Plus to add to their library for free. The October list has been announced, available from the 4th-31st.
The first on the list is Injustice 2 for the PS4. This DC-based fighting game sees Batman and a crew of other heroes attempting to take down a group of villains called The Society. The storyline, a sequel to Injustice: Gods Among Us, is as intense as the gameplay itself. There are 28 playable characters in total, and it has a nifty looting system that lets you swap gear for different stats.
Image Source: Steam
For fans of racing games and the toy itself, Hot Wheels Unleashed will be available for the PS4 and PS5. You get to be the toy car driver, navigating the different tracks and racing for the top spot. This game also lets you do something special: make your own tracks. Going into the editor, you can make whatever comes to mind and even publish the levels for other players to tackle!
Image Source: Steam
Finally, the chaotic strategy game Superhot will also be available for the PS4. This game is extremely interesting in its mechanics; nothing moves or progresses unless you do. In Matrix-style imagery, the player must dodge slow projectiles and other dangers while looting the bodies of enemies. You don’t regenerate health and you must rely solely on what you loot.
Image Source: Superhot
September saw Need for Speed Heat, Granblue Fantasy: Versus, and Toem on the list. These titles are still available until October 3rd. The other part fans may be looking forward to, the Extra and Premium Game Catalog for the month, will be announced at a later date.
Source(s): PlayStation Blog, Injustice, Superhot, Hot Wheels Unleashed