Previews Of 'Assassin's Creed: Mirage' Hail It As A Return To The Series' Roots
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Assassin’s Creed Mirage is the newest installment in the popular long-running franchise by Ubisoft. It follows protagonist Basim, around 9th century Baghdad. Basim was originally introduced in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, but not much was known about this character. Mirage will change that, and fans will finally get to know how he ended up the way he did. One of the most exciting things about the upcoming installment, however, is that the game is going back to the series roots.
The past few games in the series have had massive worlds, long stories, and a countless number of quests. However, Mirage is looking to take a step back and go back to the classic Assassin’s Creed that fans are familiar with. While the vast worlds of England and Egypt are gone, the world in Mirage never feels small. The city itself is like its own character in the game.
Image Source: The Nerd Stash
The notoriety system for this installment has been revamped and is similar to the original games. The more trouble Basim causes, the more enemies will be thrown at you. These enemies will vary by level and can be anything from archers to overpowered heavy guards. It also won't be as easy to slip past guards undetected, as civilians can point you out in a crowd, if you don't blend in. Guards will also notify each other while chasing you and will do everything they can to stop your crimes. Similar to the earlier games, you can also get rid of your notoriety. This can be done by bribing, vandalizing, or leaving the city streets to get onto higher ground, and away from guards. This technique can also help you get away from a group of guards that may be too tough to fight all at once.
The combat is similar to what was seen in Odyssey and Valhalla. The enemy's levels and damage numbers however have been replaced for health bars. They also make you counterattack and dodge more than previous games did, as the combat feels more challenging than the previous installments. It seems that singling out enemies is the way to go, so you don’t get overwhelmed, or worse, in combat.
Stealth is a big component in this game. It has a bigger presence than in previous games, and it goes back to the series roots. Moving around the shadows and hiding in plain sight feels much more rewarding. It feels like a proper stealth adventure, just like the early games of the series.
Assassin’s Creed Mirage releases on October 5th, 2023 for Xbox, PlayStation, and PC.
Source: IGN