The Future Of Remedy According To Sam Lake
Image Source: WCCF Tech
Remedy Entertainment has been a well-respected studio within the video games industry for nearly 30 years. The Finnish studio is best known for hits like Max Payne, Alan Wake, and Control. Their recent success with Alan Wake II and its creation of a video game universe (Control and Alan Wake take place within the same timeline and universe) led Sam Lake, the literal face of not only Max Payne but also the company’s Creative Director, to talk about Remedy’s future.
He sat down to talk to IGN recently to talk about the company and their approach to games. One of the first things he mentioned is that Control 2 is on the way. There is also a remake of Max Payne 1 and II. Max Payne drew big attention for its story-telling method, but also the introduction of bullet-time into games. It came at a time when The Matrix fascinated the world with the slo-mo bullet dodging scenes. Max Payne brought that to monitors.
Lake goes on to talk about what they’re calling the Remedy Connected Universe. They’re doing the Marvel and DC thing or the Brandon Sanderson Cosmere thing. He mentioned that Remedy is now a larger studio, so they are officially a multi-project company, before talking about the connected universe they intentionally created with Control and Alan Wake. Does this suggest that they have other projects in the works that will connect to those two franchises? He doesn’t say as much, but the connection is there. Is it possible, with Max Payne being remade, that they bring that franchise into the fold?
It doesn’t stop there because they are partnering with Annapurna to bring their creativity to the television. It was reported by Variety back in August, but there was no clear indicator if they are making a new IP within the same universe or if it is adapting the games to film. They are, however, helping produce Control 2 for consoles.
Source(s): IGN