The Newest Trailer For Season 3 Of 'The Mandalorian' Is Out Now, And Fans Should Be Excited
Image Source: IGN
The Mandalorian Season 3 is only a little over a month away. New promotional material, such as a brand-new poster was released earlier today. However, the most exciting is the brand-new trailer that premiered during the NFL Super Wildcard game tonight.
The trailer begins with a voiceover from Din saying how “our people are scattered, like stars in the galaxy” and then questions who they are and what they stand for. There are shots of various Mandalorians, who seem to have teamed up with Din. Of course, there are many sequences of Grogu admiring the galaxy around him while in the Naboo Starfighter. One of the cutest moments in the trailer is when Din holds Grogu in his lap in the cockpit of their modified N-1 starfighter.
The duo meets up again with their friends, starting with Greef Karga on an unfamiliar planet. As they approach their old friend, a familiar creature can be seen in the tree, could this be the return of Salacious B. Crumb or another of the same species? Din then goes to see the Armorer, and informs her he is going to Mandalore, so he can be forgiven for his past transgressions. There is also a brief shot of Din with Carson Teva.
A montage of various events plays along with the classic line “this is the way.” We see a glimpse of a planet that looks like Coruscant and a quick glimpse of Jedi. It is too early to tell if any familiar Jedi will make an appearance, but let’s hope this isn’t another iteration of Order 66 because I don’t know how many more of those Star Wars fans can take.
Image Source: WDW News Today
A longer overhead shot of the planet Mandalore is shown, and it has definitely seen better days. There is a fight with Mandalorians and even the return of Babu Frik. The coolest scene in the trailer though comes at the end, with Grogu coming out of a cave and using the Force to take down a creature trying to attack him.
This trailer seems to focus more on Din and Grogu and what their mission will be, unlike the previous trailers that focused more on the environment and characters around them. Grogu definitely has learned more about the Force, and how to use it since we last saw him. It is an extremely action-packed preview and the perfect way to hype fans up for the new season.
This is the way.
The Mandalorian Season 3 premieres March 1st on Disney+.
Source(s): YouTube