Two New Civilizations Will Be Arriving For Free Later This Year As DLC For 'Age Of Empires IV'
Image Source: Pure XBox
Gamescom 2022 is underway and announcements and reveals are abound, including more information about the beloved strategy game series Age of Empires and its fourth installment. After winning Strategy Game of the Year for 2021, Age of Empires IV will be celebrating the 25th year of the franchise in October by releasing an anniversary update. This update includes two new civilizations!
One of the new civilizations to join AOE IV (but not the franchise) will be the Malians. The West African empire will focus heavily on trade and gold, a reflection of the historical Malians who were some of the wealthiest rulers in world history. They’ll be able to put pit mines on top of gold sites for a steady stream of gold, which can also be used to buy their unique cattle for food. This will enable them to advance technologically faster than the other civilizations. Building a Tall Outpost will grant the Malians more gold for trade caravans.
Malian Units (From the Left: Javelin Throwers, Donso, and Musofadi Warrior)
Images Source: Age of Empires
Three unique units are available to the Malians, like the Musofadi Warrior. These female warriors are light in hit points but they make up for it in speed and the ability to hide in forests, adding a strategy of guerrilla tactics to the game. In later ages, they gain access to gunpowder. There are also the Javelin Throwers, a Malian alternative to crossbowmen, they deal heavy damage and longer range than archers. Finally, there’s the Donso, an anti-cavalry unit that is equipped with a spear and shield but also can do ranged attacks when not close enough to enemies with a javelin.
Ottoman Units (From the Left: Great Bombard, Mehter, Sipahi)
Images Source: Age of Empires
The Ottomans are another civilization familiar to the franchise that will be available in the update. A heavily military-focused civilization, the Ottomans gain advantages in battle with production bonuses and the largest and most powerful siege equipment in the game. That would be the Great Bombard, reflective of the historical use of massive gunpowder cannons by the Ottomans to bring down the walls of Constantinople in 1453, ending the Byzantine empire and ushering in the modern age. Another unit unique to the Ottomans is the Mehter, a cavalry unit that provides an area-of-effect buff to units, and this effect can be selected and changed. The final unique unit is the Sipahi, a light cavalry unit that has an activated ability, increasing attack power at the expense of increased damage from melee attacks.
Unique buildings available to the Ottomans include the Military School. It produces units for free, but at a greatly reduced rate of production. It too can be assigned to particular types of units, and it will churn them out like a factory. Their Age 2 landmark has the option to increase gold or food production. In Age 3, their Tophane Armory landmark can begin producing siege equipment, or through the Imperial Council System can help the Ottomans expand. All of these can be used to make the Ottomans an unstoppable force in the Fourth Age, which is also when the Great Bombard becomes available.
In addition to these two new civilizations, changing up the gameplay options for players, new maps, Achievements, and Masteries will become available through the update. Further updates are likely to be included that fall in line with their Season Three Roadmap.
This all goes down on October 25th, so mark your calendars!
Source(s): Age of Empires