Familiar Faces And An Emotional Goodbye Make For A Great Midseason Event For ‘The Bad Batch’
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Familiar faces, a trip to Coruscant, and an emotional goodbye all happen within the midseason event of The Bad Batch Season 2. With so many filler episodes in the past few weeks, it is nice to have episodes that actually move the plot along.
There is a clone conspiracy afoot, as some clones become aware that what they are doing is not right. The Galactic Senate is trying to usher out the use of the clone forces and bring in stormtroopers. One clone named Slip (formerly CT-0409) teams up with Senator Riyo Chuchi to look into what really happened to Kamino. She almost gets killed but is saved by Captain Rex. With Rex’s help, they enlist the help of Clone Force 99 to recover data from Admiral Rampart’s ship to show that he is behind the destruction of Kamino all along. They are successful, and Rampart is apprehended. In a terrifying twist, Palpatine makes an appearance and essentially blames Rampart for intentionally destroying Kamino and the clones for blindly following his order. He then declares stormtroopers be used, pushing Rampart’s Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill through anyway. In the end, Echo says an emotional goodbye to Omega as he decides to stay behind with Rex.
The return of familiar faces like Senator Bail Organa, Captain Rex, and Emperor Palpatine make the midseason event seem like we are back in the Clone Wars era, however, it is anything but that. While the Senate is still making decisions for the galaxy, it is not as lively as it once was. Neither is Coruscant. You can see the Empire’s impact on these familiar places. Emperor Palpatine's declaration of bringing in the stormtroopers, instead of continuing to use clone troopers is truly the end of an era.
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After everything Omega has been through, it is hard to remember that she is still just a kid. She is in awe when she first sees the Galactic Senate, and cannot actually believe that this is where decisions for the entire galaxy are made. She is confused and concerned when she finds out that the clones do not actually have their own representation in the Senate. She also does not understand how they still lost even after revealing the truth to the Senate and how someone like Palpatine seems to have the upper hand. At the end of the episode, she is upset when Echo decides to stay back with Rex and we see her hugging the stuffed doll Lula, comforting herself as any child would. She will definitely take it the hardest out of the bunch, considering she has never known another family.
One of the biggest shockers of the episode has to be Echo’s decision to leave the Batch and remain with Rex. Echo and Rex were close before he was kidnapped but always felt out of place after his rescue until he met the Bad Batch. In some ways, it is inevitable that he would leave the Batch. This raises the question if any of the others will eventually leave. The Clone Wars may be over, but a new one has begun. While they will never stop running from the Empire, it does not mean they always have to be together. With Rampart gone, and some of the clones questioning their roles, this could open the door for Crosshair to somehow return to the Bad Batch.
Image Source: The Envoy Web
After weeks of more lighthearted episodes that saw the clones on various missions, it is nice to get some plot-driven episodes that bring it back to a place fans will be familiar with. These two episodes are dark but are necessary for the storyline. It will be interesting to see where the Bad Batch goes from here, considering they are one more member down. Let's hope the Bad Batch can continue to evade the Empire.
Rating: 8/10