'The Bad Batch' Season 3 Episode 15 "The Cavalry Has Arrived" Review
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After three incredible seasons, the story of Clone Force 99 is officially over. The series finale, titled “The Cavalry Has Arrived”, is finally here, and it's action-packed and bittersweet. It’s everything a fan of The Bad Batch could want in a finale.
The finale is chaotic. The boys need to get into the facility to rescue Omega, but they don’t have a clear way to do it. When we switch to Omega, she is telling the other children the plan, and once it’s set into motion, it’s pure chaos. They climb through the vents, and eventually, the Zillo Beast is released and causes havoc. This is the opening the boys need, and they are able to make their way into the facility. More chaos ensues, and the boys get captured, after getting beat by Hemlock’s operatives. Omega finds Echo and finds out that Emerie has switched sides, something I hoped would happen from the beginning. Omega puts the children in Emerie’s care and tells her to take care of them and fly to Pabu.
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In a terrifying scene, we see Hemlock activate some of his operatives, who go after the boys and do some damage. Echo and Omega go and search for her brothers, but on their way, they free a bunch of clones. The other clones help them, and give Omega the distraction she needs to free her brothers. She only gets as far as freeing Wrecker, until Hemlock comes and captures her. He thinks he’s won, but he doesn’t realize that Omega did succeed. More chaos ensues, and Hemlock tries to take Omega to a different part of Tantiss. In one of the most satisfying moments of the finale, Hemlock is shot down by Hunter and Crosshair. It’s reassuring to know that everything Hemlock built, was destroyed and that nothing he did will live on. Omega and her brothers reunite, and they all live happily ever after on Pabu.
I always held out hope that the clones would get their happy ending, and I’m so glad they did. After being bred for war by the Republic, they were eventually tossed aside when the Empire took over. Most were either killed, imprisoned, or left for dead. Rex has been making it his mission to help the clones that are still out there. One of the most beautiful parts of the finale is the fact, that The Bad Batch, and the other clones that were rescued, will finally get to create their own paths, they are now free to do whatever they want, after being controlled for such a long time. It’s beautiful that not only The Bad Batch got their happy ending, but so did so many other clones as well. It’s nice to know that so many of them will finally get to rest, and grow old.
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Omega has some of the best character development in Star Wars. She started as a sheltered, innocent child on Kamino, and grew into an adult who is ready to help fight with the Rebellion. When she met her brothers, she had no idea what she was getting into, but they always protected her. The more she was with them, the more she learned and took on some of their traits. Seeing her as a leader throughout the final season has been great, but it was especially great in the finale when she was leading the other children, and even reassuring them of the plan. She protected them, just like her brothers protected her. No matter what happened to her, she never gave up hope.
The final season of The Bad Batch has been bittersweet. It is my favorite season by far, but I know it’s also the last time we may see these clones. They have been through so much in such a short amount of time, and I am so relieved that they got the ending they deserved. I wish we had more time with The Bad Batch, and I will miss seeing them on my screen every week, but I guess that just means it’s time to rewatch it from the beginning.
Rating: 10/10
Every episode of The Bad Batch is now streaming on Disney+.