Could BlockBuster Succeed In 2023?
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Most people can still remember going to Blockbuster on the weekend and perusing the movies, games, and snacks all available in one place. While the retailer went out of business a decade ago, its recently revived social media presence and website have many wondering what it means and if the retailer is planning to make a resurgence. The real question is though, could Blockbuster succeed in 2023? I say yes. Let's take a quick look at why now is the perfect time for the retailer to come back!
Loss Of Faith In Streaming Services
Image Source: Vox
One of the reasons that Blockbuster went under in the first place was because of the boom in streaming services which allowed users to pay a fee to have access to thousands of shows and movies from the comfort of their homes. Fans were further enticed by streaming services because of their lack of no late fees. You could watch a movie or show as many times as you wanted without having to pay again, or you could pay fees for keeping it longer than your rental time allowed. Unfortunately, it seems like these services are beginning to lose their luster as mergers, rising prices, and losses in subscribers have led to content being deleted from services and shows and movies being canceled. Due to the drop in popularity of DVDs, many shows are no longer being produced in a physical format which means that if/when they are removed from their respective streaming service they are gone. This is something that fans of Tuca and Bertie and Close Enough are learning the hard way. If Blockbuster were to come back, it may lead to more new content being produced in physical formats meaning that it wouldn’t matter if the shows were removed from streaming because they would be available to rent or buy.
Perfect Compromise
Image Source: Cinemark
As the COVID-19 pandemic calms down in many areas, people are more desperate than ever to get back outside after being stuck in their homes for so long. Unfortunately, since the start of the pandemic, movie theaters have seen a massive loss in revenue which has led to rising movie ticket and concession prices. Many people are also still unwilling or unable to return to large indoor gatherings which means that if they want to watch a movie then they are still stuck in their homes. If Blockbuster came back, it would give those fans the perfect compromise between going to the movie theater or staying home. They could go to the video store and peruse movies, games, TV shows, and documentaries without having to search multiple streaming services and they would have access to a selection of snacks and drinks. This would allow them to get out of the house and still host a fun movie night from the comfort of their home.
Less Expensive
Image Source: Business Insider
One of the biggest reasons that Blockbuster should come back is that it is far less expensive than the other options currently available. Streaming services cost anywhere from $7 - $20 a month. While many may see that as a great deal, there are plenty of people that are unable to afford that. Amazon Prime Video allows its users 48 hours to watch a movie once it has been started and a rental can cost anywhere from $3 - $20 depending on how new it is. Cinemark in North Texas where I am is $9 for movie tickets before 5 pm, $10.25 after 5 pm on weekdays, $11.25 after 5 pm on weekends, and $12.50 for any international films, documentaries, or special releases. In 2011, a Blockbuster rental would cost between $3 - $5 for a 3-day rental, and you could call and extend that rental time over the phone. For people dealing with the effects of the current inflation, Blockbuster would be a much better option for them.
Image Source: KTLA
Anyone that has spent more than 5 minutes on TikTok has seen the POV and Throwback skits that give the newer generation a glimpse into what it was like to be a kid or teen during Y2K. Users can’t get enough of these videos because they bring us together as we reminisce about how much fun we had when we were younger. In the comments on these videos, fans are constantly talking about how much they miss having access to video stores and how much easier it was to peruse the shelves than it is to use streaming services today. Video stores have also become popular again with them being featured in Stranger Things, Cruel Summer, and countless other new shows, and movies that now have Gen Z wanting to experience what it was like. The last remaining Blockbuster located in Bend, Oregon has become a thriving tourist destination! I honestly think that Blockbuster could succeed on nostalgia alone.
Source(s): Blockbuster, Cinemark, Amazon Prime