How Effective Will Harrison Ford's Depiction Of General Thaddeus Ross Be?

Harrison Ford

Image Source: MSN

Harrison Ford is a newcomer to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and plays on the franchise’s oldest roles. Thaddeus Ross is a character in The Incredible Hulk, and Captain America: Brave New World depends a lot on that backstory. In the first MCU film, Banner becomes the Hulk, and Ross makes him a fugitive and hunts him down. Much later, Ross is the architect behind the Sokovia Accords, which divided the Avengers and complicated the battle with Thanos. In this new film, Ross is the newly sworn-in president of the United States. He shows signs of growth but still falls back into old patterns of behavior when stressed.

Ross was played by the late William Hurt, who suffered from cancer and passed away in March 2022. Ford realized the importance of his role. He explained, “It is a daunting prospect. He was a remarkable actor, and I wanted to make sure that I had the equipment, that I had the words, that I had the emotional opportunities to continue what he had done and bring it to some kind of conclusion.”


Ford and Hurt

Image Source: JoBlo

Ford came to the role by chance when he expressed to Kevin Feige his interest in joining the MCU. Ford explained, “It was still being written, and I was intrigued by the potential of the character. And truth be told, I was intrigued by the potential of having access to the Marvel audience, which is a considerable part of the knowable universe. It's a whole other world, and it's a world that loves movies, so I'm glad to be a part of it. I was looking at it as a movie opportunity, and I saw that there was something to do that might be fun, might be fruitful, but it was very ambitious, I thought. And I'm glad to feel that we met that ambition.”

Captain America: Brave New World is, at its heart, a story about Sam Wilson, but it’s also a story about Thaddeus Ross and his redemption. Ford shines in the film, and viewers find themselves rooting for him even when he makes the wrong choices. Ford manages to be so convincing that I could almost believe he played the role before.  The actor brought a gravitas to the role that made his story with his inner struggles as engaging as the film’s action sequences. While Hurt’s Ross was an established villain, Ford’s role sees the character turn from villain to repentant politician. Ford shines in his performance and will certainly bring the role to justice.

Warning: The following paragraphs contain spoilers for Captain America: Brave New World

Red Hulk

Image Source: IGN Pakistan

The newest MCU entry sees Ford’s Ross struggling with what he calls the red thing. Ross had been unknowingly taking gamma pills that threatened to transform him into the Red Hulk. Ford managed to seamlessly switch between the poised politician and the man struggling to keep his rag intact. His journey is far from over, as Ford has already been tapped to join the team for Thunderbolts. The actor had a strong start in Captain America: Brave New World and shows promise in continuing the role. 

Ford showed respect for the late Hurt even as he stepped into his former role. He said, “It was a character that had been grounded in the work that a fantastic actor. It was a bonus, as far as I’m concerned.” Ford continued, “And under the rules of the Marvel Universe, such as they are — and I know they’re a bit bendable — somehow it's ok for one actor to come in and take over for another actor. I was delighted to have the opportunity. I always wanted to do a Marvel [movie]. I wanted to be part of the pleasure of these entertainments.” While keeping the character grounded in Hurt's portrayal while also adding a bit of his own charm, Ford has shown his ability to go all-in on his new MCU role. His first performance has been as Ross drew audiences in, and it may convince a few Captain America fans to see Thunderbolts and follow the actor’s MCU journey.



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