A Guide To The Valar In Middle-earth
Image Source: Falmarin De Carme
The Valar are the high holy beings of J. R. R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth legendarium and can be found throughout his works. They assisted Eru in shaping the World after its creation. The Maiar were their servants.
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Also known as Súlimo, Manwё was the King of the Valar and the spouse of Varda Elentári. The greatest of the Valar, Manwё was Master of the Airs and Lord of the Birds, especially Eagles. He was one of the Aratar, the eight greatest of the Valar. He played an important role in the creation of the world, leading the other Ainur into fulfilling the plans of Eru Ilúvatar, and in the fight against Melkor. Appointed by Eru as King of the World, he dwelled in his halls high atop the great mountain Taniquetil, and rarely intervened directly in Middle-earth. All things that flew in the skies would bring him news of what was going on in the world.
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Varda was the greatest among the Valier, the queens of the Valar, and the spouse of Manwё. She was also one of the Aratar. Her domain was the stars, and she made the first stars in ancient times. She collected the shimmering dews of the Two Trees in shining vats of Telperion, filling Valinor with light. She also used this silver light of Telperion to create the greater stars and bring light to the first Elves.
Her other names included Elentári, Queen of the Stars, and Tintallё, The Kindler.
Image Source: Fabio Leone
Ulmo was one of the Aratar. Before the creation of the world, he loved to make music, and was a great part of the Music of the Ainur at the world’s beginning. After the creation of the world, the waters of Arda became his dominion.
Known as the “Lord of Waters” and the “Dweller in the Deep,” he did not live in Valinor with the other Valar. Instead, he chose to live in the deeps of the seas, and would only meet with the other Valar to judge matters of great importance.
His Maiar included Ossё, Ulinen, and Salmar.
Aulё and Yavanna
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Known as Kementári, or Queen of the Earth, Yavanna was one of the Aratar and the spouse of Aulё. The literal meaning of her name was “Giver of Fruits,” which was fitting as her domain was all things growing on the earth. She often appeared as a tall woman clad in green.
One of the Aratar, Aulё the Smith was the builder and inventor among the Valar. He created the vessels of the Sun and the Moon, as well as the chains that bound Morgoth. He was concerned with the substance of Arda, things like rock and metal. He also created a race of his own, the Dwarves.
Known as “Friend of the Noldor,” he taught his arts to the Noldor (High Elves) when they came to Valinor. Fёanor, the crafter of the Silmarils, was his greatest pupil.
Image Source: Andrey Lazarev
The Doomsman of the Valar and one of the Aratar, Mandos was the keeper of the Houses of the Dead. He welcomed the spirits of the slain into his halls and judged them, deciding on how long they will remain within. His true name was actually Námo, but the Elves called him Mandos after his Halls of Mandos. He was said to know all things that have passed, as well as a profound knowledge of the future.
He was the spouse of Vairё the Weaver.
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Known as “The Lady of Tears,” Nienna was one of the Aratar and the sister of Mandos and Irmo. She dwelled alone on the western borders of the world, and her domain was grief and mourning. She frequented the halls of Mandos and taught pity and endurance in grief.
The Maia Olórin, who was later known as Gandalf, learned much from her.
Image Source: Elena Kukanova
One of the Aratar, Oromё was the Huntsman of the Valar. He was the brother of Nessa and the spouse of Vána. In ancient times, he often rode through the forests of Middle-earth and was the first to find the Elves when they awoke at Cuiviénen. During the wars against Morgoth, he would purge the woods of the dark lord’s foul beasts. Even Morgoth feared his terrible wrath.
Called the Ever-young, Vána was the spouse of Oromё and the younger sister of Yavanna. Like her sister, she was associated with flowers. She kept gardens in Valinor that were filled with golden flowers that were said to open at her glance.
Her Maiar included Arien and Melian.
Vairё the Weaver
The spouse of Mandos, she was known for weaving tapestries that record all the events of history that were hung in her husband’s halls.
Image Source: Elena Kukanova
Also called Lórien for the gardens in Valinor where he dwelled, Irmo was known as the Master of Visions and Dreams. He was the brother of Nienna and Mandos, and the spouse of Estё.
Known as “The Gentle,” this grey-clad Valier was the spouse of Irmo, and dwelled with him in Lórien. Her domain was healing, and she was responsible for bringing rest and ease to even the Valar themselves.
Image Source: One Wiki to Rule Them All
Tulkas was the last of the Valar to descend into Arda, arriving during the First War with Melkor. He was instrumental in overthrowing Melkor and taking him captive.
He was said to be the greatest of the Valar in terms of strength and needed no weapon or steed in battle. Unlike the hot-tempered Oromë, he was always laughing
Nessa was the sister of Oromё and the spouse of Tulkas. She was known for her swiftness and dancing abilities.
Image Source: Attack of the Fanboy
Said to be the mightiest dweller in Arda, Melkor/Morgoth was the brother of Manwё and was at one point the greatest of all the Valar as one of the Aratar. He dwelled in his fortress, Angband, in the northwest of Middle-earth, where he created monsters in his quest to bend all things to his own will. He was responsible for destroying the Two Trees, and stealing the Silmarils before attacking Beleriand. He was eventually captured, bound with a chain crafted by Aulё, and exiled to the Void.